chapter one

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As I was taking a midnight walk around town, I felt an uneasiness, as if something bad was watching me, following me, or waiting to just pop out and come for me. Thatʻs exactly what happened that night.

As I took a turn into the darkest and rugged area of my town, all I saw was this group of men, surrounding the poor man that had been covered in blood and didnʻt seem to be breathing. At that moment I was so terrified at that scene, all I could do was scream and as I screamed, this terrifying grin slowly spread across one of the hooded mens face.

The dark figure slowly started coming toward me. Run y/n, why arenʻt you out of here already?!  All I did was stare as I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I felt as this manʻs arm wrap around my waist while his free hand came to touch my face. "My what a pretty thing we have here?~" he smirked. I tried to wiggle free, but every time I did his arms only grew tighter. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BITCH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"We need to get out of here." one of the men said. "Terushima, just kill her and leave her body with his," as another one points to the manʻs dead body. "No thanks," The blonde undercut that had his arm wrapped around my waist said, So thatʻs who this fucking idiots name is "I think I see potential in this one" he said slyly with a smirk spreading across his face. "Not just for me, but for the whole gang" "Um...I think the fuck not, now let go of me before I call the police." I said calmly, not wanting to show them how I really feel.

"Oh no princess~" he sighed "Now that Iʻve seen how pretty you are, I donʻt think Iʻll ever let go" that last part he whispered into my ear and before, I knew what was happening I felt something stab my forearm. All I could make out was a needle that stabbed me That has to be whatʻs making me feel so dizzy as Terushima grinned before I passed out. You could say this was fate or destiny, but I believe it was the unexpected.

A/N - Iʻm sorry for this short chapter one. I really couldnʻt think of anything but I wanted to start writing this book. I wonʻt be able to post on weekends and holidays, but Iʻll update everyday/every other day  Thank you and peace out from author-chan😙

The Unexpected(terushima x fem reader)mafia editionWhere stories live. Discover now