26. An Omen

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Again, this came out a little later than I'd like, but it still did. Again, this is a three parter, so it's not ending here at all. A lot of wordbuilding is coming up and some foreshadowing too (for the stuff I do have planned). Hopefully it's all good for you guys.

Anyway, let's head on to the chapter!

Karkat wasn't sure when the hush of the battlefield settled, but it certainly did after the ghost in the coffin had opened his eyes. While it didn't move, he had a feeling he wasn't the person there keeping a close eye on the suit of armor.

It was when the ghost took a thundering step out of the coffin when activity started once again.

He felt a tug on the back of his suit, Terezi jerking him back before the knight ghost could get a look at him. They were already moving a good distance away before his mind finally caught up with his body.

"Hey, where the hell are we going?" Karkat tried to swat away the girl's hand, but she only tightened her grip. "Shouldn't we figure out who that is? What if he's dangerous?"

"That's exactly why we're getting the fuck out of here." There wasn't a lick of humor in her voice, making him shut up. "We are not fighting that thing. We need actual help on this one."

Karkat stifled a comeback, seeing Nepeta holding onto Aradia and Sollux flying just as fast out of that scene. Vriska looked just as reluctant to leave as he was but decided to err on the side of caution for once and followed them.

As they left the cluster of islands, Karkat could've swore he saw the ghost turn to look in their direction. The halfa caught the things gaze as he did, red meeting green.

Karkat felt a shiver go down his spine as he looked away first.

"You still haven't explained to me just what the hell is happening with that halfa thing."

Redglare knew how to deal with many different things in her life, having lived so long. Her life had been just as insane as her afterlife, so it wasn't like she was unprepared for a lot of stuff that was thrown her way.

Still, a pissed off cat-woman was a pissed off cat-woman. That was really hard to handle.

"I keep telling you, there's nothing much else to tell. I'm sure Nepeta told you everything already." Redglare took a sip of her coffee, checking on her itinerary for today. "Hell, Muelin probably filled you in on some more details Nepeta didn't, Nebs."

Nebit Leijon wasn't a woman you'd really want to mess with, but Redglare wasn't one to follow warnings very well. Built like a brick house and as graceful as a leopard, she was the best legitimate huntress in the Infinite Realms. With untamed black hair parted only by ears like her daughters, slit, yellow eyes that were predatory in nature, and claws sharp enough to rip Skulker to shreds, she wasn't one to be messed with.

It was only proven more by the fact she was wearing her hunting outfit today. A black long-sleeved shirt ending in a tattered skirt, black leggings, both with accents of green, a Leo symbol drawn out on the shirt, going around her shoulders and over her chest, nearly covered by the dark green coat with the fur around the neck. Knives adorned her belt in a simple bandolier.

"I'm trying, but Nepeta's been having a huge independent streak lately. I get that, but it makes it really hard to get any information out of her." Greatest huntress or not, she wasn't immune to pouting and putting her head in her hands. "Muelin doesn't really talk to anyone about her problems outside of Horuss. And we both know I'm not going to talk to his dad about this."

"If you really want to know anything, it's that the kids are okay. I've actually met him, and he doesn't seem like much trouble." Redglare took another sip of coffee, muttering under her breath. "Trouble loves finding him, though."

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