11. Info Dumping

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This chapter came out a little faster than usual, but I like it how it is. Hopefully it moves things along a little to make sure you guys still enjoy it. Though, as a note before we begin, I would like to say that remembering to do the typing quirks is hard to do when you have to focus on a lot of other things. At least Karkat's is easy.

Either way, I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you have a nice day!

Karkat knew bad signs when he saw them. Sometimes they were obvious and waved red flags like they were at a football rally. Sometimes they were subtle, flying under most people's radar.

Horuss disappearing during what should've been a friendly outing? Big fucking red flag.

"Great. First time we can actually get to a ghost without violence, and he fucking disappears." Sollux seemed the most irritated by this. He was actually enjoying the talk about tech beforehand, but he should've figured something would go wrong. "KK, can you find him with your ghost sense?"

"I've got nothing." Karkat would've tracked him down the moment he vanished. "I don't know if Horuss is going to do anything, but I doubt he's nearby. Just what the hell happened back there?"

"We got to do it fast. I don't know how long your dad won't notice him, but he'll find his ecto-signature eventually." Aradia moved from one foot to the other nervously, looking around. She stopped and brought out her phone. "He gave us the chat app, right? Nepeta's on there, right?"

Karkat stopped and pulled his own phone out. "Right! The username is arsenicCatnip, I think." He punched it in Ghostian, finding the name fairly easily. However, he couldn't message him until he made an actual account. "Shit. We'll have to make an account or something. Give me a second."

All of them picked out their own phones to make their own accounts. It didn't take long, though they may have spent more time on making their accounts than they should've. However, after finally getting in, one of them sent a message.

CG: Leijon? We need to talk.

TA: Please pick up.

AA: Are you there?

They waited a for about ten seconds, silence reigning over them as they waited for an answer. Before they were about to give up and find another avenue of thought, a ding came from their cell's.

AC: :33 new phone, who dis?

They all sighed in collective relief and irritation. Karkat already started typing up his reply, rolling his eyes.

CG: It's Phantom and company. We kinda need your help on something.

AC: :33 seriously? how did you get this chat id? or the app?

TA: We met Horuss. Nice guy for the most part, until he vanished on us.

There were a few seconds where she didn't respond, but she sent a couple in a sequence afterward.

AC: :33 oh.

AC: :33 oh shit.

AC: :33 i should've known he'd do that. he got so curious about the human world when i mentioned it. is he okay?

AA: We don't know. We tried to introduce him to some local tech and he just vanished after trying to connect to the internet.

CG: Other than that, we don't know. Said something about "information" and left.

AC: :33 ok, ok, good start. furrst question. what's an internet?

They all collectively groaned at the cat pun and the question.

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