33. Psychotic Psychiatric

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Here comes the end of this little arc. I think it really does get into some of the characters that I haven't had the time to expand upon yet and really move them forward. It really does get like that with a large cast like this, but I do try to get everyone in there when I can.

Without further ado, let's get on with the chapter!

Considering he was technically a superhero, Karkat was very familiar with the feeling of anxiety. Everything going wrong all the time, generally not sure about his humanity, along with every person being out to get you or having some kind of secret tends to make someone lowkey anxious every moment.

Karkat was currently not anxious. He was outright panicking.

With government worker taken by a ghost he knew was technically dangerous, whereabouts unknown, along with what Aranea actually planned on doing to Spectra, he figured it was justified.

Spades had started gearing up, getting all of his trackers and weapons ready. He was also arguing with Rosa about whether or not they should call the police, with his dad being kinda right in saying that they wouldn't help. Lack of ghost weapons and a simple belief in ghosts were not a good combination.

Karkat just listened as his dad kept ranting about how they won't take his calls anymore, anyway, watching as the other Maryam's were keeping their panic poorly contained.

"I think mom might need to buy an anti-ghost security system for the daycare here. I can't believe that'll be a legitimate business expense, but at least the kids would be safe."

"Porrim, I think this is the only time you've ever wanted to talk about the family business without being completely sarcastic about it. It's not like you to worry about the children that much. I'm not sure if I'm proud or not."

"I just saw a living shadow with eight eyes kidnap a grown ass woman, of course I'm scared for the children."

Karkat would've loved to watch this further, but he was currently trying to plan out Spectra's funeral. Seriously, why didn't he start noticing signs that things were about to go really wrong? Everything went wrong in his life!

"Seems like a lot of people heard a woman screaming all across town." Sollux kept checking his phone, looking over social media for some kind of news. "Nobody's seen anything, but everyone's getting really curious."

Translation: They needed to find here as soon as possible before somebody else did.

"And it seems like everybody is still posting about that giant cat that showed up earlier today." Aradia cringed at some of the blurry photos she was seeing of the incident. "The whole screaming thing is just adding more fuel to the fire, honestly."

Second translation: Shit had already hit the fan and the current rotation of it was sending it flying everywhere.

Yeah, Karkat was doing his best to come up with a plan but considering they had so many things on their plate right now, this was going to be interesting.

His phone buzzed. He checked on the Ghostian app.

AG: I'm at the portal entrance. Get me out and we'll search for my sister.

Karkat took in a deep breath. Maybe now wasn't the time for thinking. He should just act.

"Hey, dad?" Karkat got up quickly, grabbing one of the trackers around the kitchen, waving it lightly. "Maybe we should all split up and try to search up the ghost that way. We got a big enough group to cover most of the town."

"Kid, I'm not sending anyone out to fight that thing. Besides, you've been having bad luck with ghosts lately." Looks like Spades still had the forest incident on his mind. It wasn't like he was wrong either. "I really don't know what it is, but you've been getting into the thick of it lately."

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