Into The Depths

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Coral heard Desire's scream and ran over to her. She says in a panic, "Desire! What's wrong?!" Desire was shaking a little and was gently stroking it. Desire’s voice was shaking a little, “A-are these….g-g-gills?!” Coral looked at Desire's neck and got excited. Coral responded, "Yes! They are gills! Your magic is manifesting!" Desire started to calm down once she got used to the sight of them being there. Coral said, "Don't get too excited! They won't be fully formed until tomorrow morning." Desire was starting to become more intrigued, the more she thought about her gills. Coral says, "You have been awfully quiet Desire. Are you alright? Maybe you will talk if I tell you we are meeting my king tomorrow." Desire snapped out of her amazement in her new gills and said excitedly, “We are gonna meet a king?! That sounds so cool!” Coral responded "Heck yeah it is! And he is now your new ruler! Or will be at the end of the week when you are done changing." Desire was so excited to meet the king, she could hardly hold it in. 

But she thought it was funny that the underwater kingdom was a monarchy. Sounds kinda cheesy to have a king in charge of many. I think it should be like ours. Kinda stupid to be in charge of so many without having it in sanctions or something. I’m definitely not okay with having a supreme ruler over me. Desire scoffed and mumbled stuff to herself. Coral read everything in her mind and said in an offended tone,"Excuse me?! Without our king, our kind would have been killed a long time ago! We owe our lives to him!" Desire rolled her eyes and said, “Whatever, let’s go to sleep.” Coral responded "Fine." Coral walked upstairs. She yelled down, "Come on Desire!" Desire walked upstairs to her room. Coral walked into Desire's room and changed into pj's then layed on her spot on the floor. Desire changed into her clothes and fell asleep on her bed.

The next morning, the rising sun shined through the window, waking up Coral first. It was a beautiful day. Coral got up and went to go look at Desire's neck and saw that her gills were fully developed. Desire yawned and saw Desire staring her down from the side and freaked out, “Agh! What the heck are you doing?!” Coral laughed and said, "Checking your gills." She walked away from Desire and went to get dressed. Desire being slightly confused at Coral's curiosity laughed and then got dressed as well. “Should I be wearing any certain kind of clothes if I’m going to be meeting this ‘king’?” Desire said while doing the finger quotation thingy. Coral responded in an aggravated tone, "Yes. Dress up a bit, please. Also check your fully grown gills." Desire got dressed quite decently but not like when she got ready for Jacob. She didn’t care as much on appearance because the king wasn’t as special as Jacob was to Desire. Then she checked on her gills to see them fully developed and carrassed them with care and curiosity. Crazy, these look so cool. Coral finished up and said "Alright. Time to go." Desire nodded and agreed.

The girls told July that they were going to the sea to go introduce Desire to someone. “Okay! Be safe out there you guys!” July waved goodbye. She knew her girls were old enough and mature enough to go out on their own like this. So Desire and Coral walked up to the entrance of the shore line. Desire looked at Coral, “Do these gills mean I can breathe underwater now?” Coral responded in a happy tone "Yep! But you don't have your tail yet. Are you good at swimming?" Desire looked at her and laughed, “I was on the swim team for a couple years and got gold for three straight years. I’m a god at swimming.” Desire felt very confident in herself. Coral responded "All right then! Let's go!" Coral took a running start and plunged into the water and changed to her mermaid form and waited for Desire. Desire was a little nervous because she has never dived into the sea like this, but she gave it her all. She fully immersed into the water and breathed through her new gills.

Coral said "Amazing isn't it?" Desire had her eyes closed and said, “Yeah! This is awesome!" Coral saw that Desire's eyes were closed. Coral laughed and said "Open your eyes, Desire!" Desire was hesitant at first cause she knew this was going against everything that she was ever taught not to do. She opened her eyes, ready for the embrace of the ocean to sting her eyes only to be surprised with a cool feeling of relief. “Weird! It looks really clear in the ocean! I like this!” Coral laughs and responds, "Yeah! You have mermaid eyes! You can see perfectly down here! Now come on we have a king to visit." Coral starts to swim to the kingdom. Desire rolled her eyes as she said the word ‘king’ and started to swim down with her. Desire was fast but Coral was faster. It amazed her how fast Coral could swim with her tail. Maybe I’ll get one of those soon. Coral and Desire reached the kingdoms gates pretty fast. Coral asked Desire "So? Isn't it beautiful?" Desire looked at the wonderful beauty that was held before her. Every rock, coral, and creature that shined in color and elegance made Desire almost cry. It was so beautiful compared to anything she had ever seen. Coral saw the look of awe on her face and smiled. She then opened the kingdom's gates and started to swim towards the castle. Desire followed her into the kingdom to see that it’s inside was even more magnificent than the outside. “Woah! This place is awesome! I can’t wait to see the king and his palace!” Coral responded in a bit of shock, "I thought you would not be excited about seeing the king but all right!” Well Coral was partly right, she wanted to see the king but didn’t wanna be ruled by him. Coral and Desire reached the castle and swam inside. 

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