The Shopping Trip.

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Desire was slightly disappointed that they couldn’t just be the two of them. Then again, going to the mall would have taken much longer if her mom didn’t come.

Later on, Coral, Desire, and Desire's mom pulled up to the store. Desire thought as soon as they pulled up, I didn't want to do this. She was being very pessimistic. Coral, not noticing Desire and paying more attention to the building before her, said, "Wow! The human world has a big mall!" Desire' s mom responded in a hushed tone, "I know you’re excited Coral, but because this is the human world, you have to act like you have seen this already. I don't want you getting hurt all right?" Coral let out a sigh and agreed sadly, "Ok ma'am." Coral understood Desire’s mother, but she was just sad that she couldn’t show her excitement like she wanted to.

Desire's mom got out of the car and said, "Ok. Let's go everyone!" Coral and Desire got out of the car and followed Desire's mom into the mall. They walked in and Coral was filled with awe and wonder, but she was great in hiding her emotions and acted like a normal human with ease. Coral said "So where do we go first, ma'am?" Desire said, "Can we please go to the hot topic, mom?" Coral laughed and said, "I asked your mom, not you." Desire's mom said, "It's fine sweetie! And you can call me July, if you want." Coral responded, "All right! So hot topic first?" July said "No. We will go there later. Desire needs some female undergarments first." Desire was flustered and yelled, "Excuse me?!" Coral laughed at her reaction and responded, "Undergarments are a woman’s necessity. We must do those first." Desire said in a defeated tone, "Fine. But we go to the hot topic right after."

July laughed and they went to get some undergarments for Desire’s new body. While being there, Desire felt kinda uncomfortable being in a place full of girls and having this stuff all around her. She felt even more embarrassed when her chest was being measured by one of the female employees but for some reason she thought she looked pretty. She pushed the thought out of her mind. Once they got everything that they needed and put it in a non-see-through bag, they went to a different store to continue shopping. Coral was loving every second in this human mall. Seeing all the displays and clothing brands. But Desire on the other hand, was feeling very strange. She didn't feel like herself. All the stuff around her that she considered gross or weird was becoming somewhat....better. Almost as if she was...attracted to these woman-esk things. Those dress shoes look pretty nice, and that skirt...WHAT THE?! WHAT AM I THINKING?! 

Desire got a slight headache from her snapping back into reality. She was getting really worried about what was happening to her. She didn’t know what to do, so her first instinct was to go to Coral and tell her what’s up as to get at least some explanation. She pulled on Coral’s arm and whispered in her ear, “Coral, I think something is wrong with me.” Coral responded quietly "What's wrong? Tell me." Desire hesitated at first and then told her what was happening with her. Coral looked at her with surprise. She responded in a more hushed tone, "Oh, this happening to you already? I thought it would be a little longer." Desire was stunned and annoyed. “What?! I’m changing faster than I should be?!” Desire exclaimed. She was furious with her. How could she let this happen to me?!

Coral whispered "Shush! Be quiet! Are you trying to get us in trouble? We are in public!" As Coral calmed down Desire, July was leading the way to go get some food. She looked at both of them and said, “Come on, girls! Let’s get some food! Have you ever had human food like this before,  Coral?” Coral responded "No. Just raw fish. I know. It's lame." Desire was intrigued but laughed at the same time, “Oh man, you gotta try this stuff, Coral! It is amazing!” Coral responded "I can't wait!" July and the girls went and got pizza at a quick shack inside the mall. Coral looked at the pizza in her hand with uncertainty. She said "So this is food? I'm supposed to eat this?" Desire showed her how to hold the piece of pizza and then showed her how to take a bite. Desire said with her mouth full, “Like that!” Coral tried a bite. She said "Mm! This is good! Better than fish!" Coral started to eat it faster and faster. Then she started to devour the slices one by one and finished the pizza with ease. She didn't even choke at all. She didn’t even gag. 

A boy who looked similar age to Desire came up behind them. This strange man tapped on Coral’s shoulder and said, “Hey, I just saw you eat almost that whole pizza! That was amazing!” Coral feeling like she just achieved something said "Oh! Thank you!" Desire looked at the guy and started to check him out. He looks pretty good. Nice hair, good body structure, a cute face…….kinda cute. Desire started to stare at him until he turned to Desire and introduced himself. Desire freaked out internally and snapped back, but managed to keep calm on the outside. He shook her hand,
                  “My name is Jacob.”

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