The Shopping Trip-Part 2

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A boy that they knew not of, complemented Coral for eating almost the entire pizza. This was very unusual. Then he surprised Desire by introducing himself to her. He put out his hand and said, “Hi, my name is Jacob. What is your name?” Desire felt his grip when she shook his hand. Wow, so kind and polite… Desire then caught herself right then and there. AGHHH! AGAIN!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!!! Desire quickly let go of the boys hand and rushed to the girls bathroom. Coral looked at Jacob and said, "I'm sorry. She hasn't been herself lately, school has been hard for her! I hope you understand! I will follow her and make sure she's alright! It was really nice to meet you!" She waved bye and followed Desire to the bathroom and saw her standing over the sink. 

Coral said, "Desire? Are you all right?" Desire was shaking. She felt like she was losing control of herself. “Coral, I have to tell you something.” Desire was very scared at this point. Coral walked over to Desire and said, "Tell me what's wrong. I will help you." Desire was hesitant at first, but then she spoke, “Coral, I have been having these thoughts in my head that only a girl would think of. When Jacob held my hand, my heart started to race. It’s like my whole world is being flipped upside down and I don’t know what to do.” Coral looked at her with curiosity and said, "Yep. This is definitely happening a bit faster than usual. Desire, magic is responsible for changing your mindset to help you get used to your new body. So yes, you are starting to have a female mindset. Although I was expecting another day for this to start. Everyone's transformation is different."

Desire started to have her mind go in circles with so many questions and so little answers. She started to panic and sat on the floor with her head on her knees. She started to cry and muttered, “I can’t do this, I can’t do this, I can’t do this.” She was so scared of losing herself and her life that she thought couldn’t go on like this. 

Coral sat next to Desire and used her calming magic on her. She said in a calming tone, "Listen to me. You are very strong. You can do this. You have a very strong aura inside you. I promise everything will be alright. You have a beautiful life before you, I swear it." Desire started to wipe away her tears and looked at Coral. “Y-you really think so?” Coral responded "I know so!" Desire started to feel better about herself and got up. She took a deep breath and she started to feel more at peace with herself. Coral stood up and looked at her and said, “Okay, now let’s go meet that new boy.” Coral snickered at her. Desire looked at her, “Fine.” Coral said, "Just one more thing. Please don't fight these thoughts. Just let them come. They are necessary for more things then you know, alright?" Desire grumbled at the thought of it but knew at the same time that she had no choice. “Fine, I shall try my best not to fight it.” she hoped. 

Coral said "Thank you. Now let's go and see that cute boy, Jacob. It's obvious you like him! Don't you?" Desire blushed at the thought and got very flustered, “How dare you! Of course not! I could never dream of the fact!” How could she say that?! Sure he’s a little cute...AGH! No! He is just another dude like I used to be! Desire turned away and started to fix herself up by the sink to make it look like she didn’t just cry her eyes out. Coral laughed then said "You are as red as a tomato! And I can read minds when I want to, you know. You think Jacob is cute!" Desire started to blush even harder and felt slightly violated. “Agh! Just shut up already! Let’s go meet the stupid kid right now.” Coral laughed once more and responded, "All right. Only because you're so eager though!" she teased. She started to walk out of the bathroom. Desire gave Coral a slight punch on the shoulder.

Coral laughed as she walked out of the bathroom. Coral walked over to Jacob and July and said, "Hi! This is my friend, Desire! Desire, this is Jacob!" Desire was shy at first but then waved at him. “Hi Jacob.” she said nervously. Coral slightly nudged Desire toward Jacob. Desire got even more nervous now. Jacob spoke to Desire, “Oh hey! You’re the shy girl!” Desire got pissed and tried to act confident in herself, “Oh really? Who are you supposed to be? Some big hotshot?” She laughed. He started to laugh with her, “You are really funny! What do you like to do?” Desire told him what she used to do and left out the fact that she was a guy before because who wants to know that? No one. After a while of talking and bonding, Jacob mustered up some courage and said, “Wow, you are so cool! I gotta go soon though. Do you want my number so we can talk later?” Desire blushed and got nervous. She spoke with some nervous excitement, “S-sure!” 

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