The Explanation

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Chapter 13- The Explanation

Desire started to panic. She couldn’t think straight. She was starting to worry if she was gonna start forgetting other things that she previously knew about herself. This was not good, for her at least. She put her hands on her head and her elbows on her knees trying to calm down. Coral said in a concerned tone, "You forgot your old name? I didn't know this could happen!" Neither did Desire. She started to lose control of her sanity for a moment and started asking herself the craziest questions. Most of them started with ‘What if…’ so we won’t bore you with them, because there were truly a ton running through her head. Desire started to have a mental breakdown. 

Coral went to go hug Desire and said "Hey! It will be alright! Trust me!" Desire felt slightly better from Coral's warm embrace. She pulled herself back together and saw Jacob happening to be sitting right next to her. Coral saw Jacob and said "You are probably confused right?" Jacob was having a hard time comprehending what was even happening at this point. He nodded his head. Desire knew this wasn’t the only thing he was gonna be hearing tonight though. “Uh…...Jacob? There is…...another thing about me that I haven’t told you about…” Desire was less nervous this time but Jacob was worried about what other mysteries might spit out of her mouth next. Coral said "Are you sure you want to tell him this? You don't have too." Desire insisted though and said, “Yes, he needs to know this. Jacob….I am a…...m-mermaid.”

Jacob sat back in shock. How?! This is the most normal and pretty girl ever and she is not even human?! This is so weird…. but very interesting nonetheless. Jacob didn’t know what to think and he started to freak out a little. “You said you were a mermaid?!” Desire nodded her head in shame and disappointment. Desire started to regret her decision of telling him. She wishes she never did by this point. I thought Jacob was different...maybe not.  Coral read Jacob's and Desire’s mind and was disappointed. She used her powers and mentally told Jacob, "Shut up and be more supportive." Jacob looked at Coral in surprise and felt bad. He realized what he did wrong and knew what he had to do now. He tried to speak in a more calming tone, “I’m sorry Desire, I didn’t mean to be mean. It’s just a little crazy right now.” Desire still felt a little betrayed by him from before and crossed her arms and said, “Are you really?” Jacob looked down in shame and said, “Yes, I am. And I get it, because if I was in your shoes, it would still be just as crazy. I know this is hard for you, but I think everything will be just fine.” Desire accepted his apology and quit crossing her arms. 

“But I do have a couple questions,” Jacob said, “Like how long have you been a mermaid? Are your parents mermaids? When did you first become a girl? Is it weird being in a girl's body….” Jacob went on and on with questions. Coral said "Whoa calm down! One question at a time please!" Jacob had to take a deep breath and said, “Alright, alright, how long have you been a mermaid?” Desire thought for a moment, “Uh….a couple days, I think?” Jacob nodded and replied, “So not that long, huh? Well how long have you been a girl?” Desire tried thinking on this one, it should have been easy right? Well Desire had a hard time trying to remember that she became a girl when she became a mermaid because her memories started to alter. “Uh….I think the same time as when I became a mermaid but I could be wrong.” Desire was confused with herself. Weird, I wonder why I can’t remember correctly. Coral said "Yeah, she was only a girl for a couple days but there are weird things going on in Desire's head right now and I don't know what's going on." 

Desire started to get worried. I wonder if my memories are being messed with too? Desire tried to think of a memory she had not too long ago and it seemed normal at first with him being a guy running on the beach. His strong masculine body was starting to sweat the more that he ran. He felt the breeze flow through his short frolicking hair while he ran on the light sand. It was a great time because his mind was always empty which allowed him to think of anything he wanted to. In the memory, his shoelace came undone and he bent over to tie his shoe. As he was doing this, he noticed his chest start to hang over from his body. What the?! I don’t remember this in my memory. In the memory, his body and the atmosphere started to change. He looked at himself again as he finished tying his shoe and got back up to see himself in a coffee shop. He looked at his body to see not only his chest change, but so did his clothes! She happened to be wearing a skirt and a fit shirt. Then the memory ended because Desire started to lose it at this point. 

Desire screamed at Coral, “CORAL! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!” Coral jumped in surprise and was confused. Coral responded "W-what do you mean?" Desire was furious and getting emotional, “You didn’t tell me my memories were going to change!” Coral responded "Your memories are changing?! I've never experienced this! You must be some kind of different or special mermaid! I will ask the king later for answers.” Desire was annoyed and said, “Fine.” 

Jacob tried to calm down Desire some more by giving her a hug. Coral tried to help a bit and said "Desire? Do not think about your memories too much or it might cause them to fade or change faster than normal.” Desire took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “You’re right, Coral.” Coral responded "Thank you for calming down. Now Jacob, do you have any more questions?" Jacob probably did but he didn’t feel like asking them anymore. Coral said "No more questions? All right. Don't tell anyone about this, understood?" Jacob nodded his head. Coral then said "Good. Now go home. It's getting late. If you think of any more questions, ask us tomorrow." Jacob said goodbye to everyone and left. Coral then went to talk to Desire’s parents and filled them in on everything that was happening.

While Coral was talking, Desire felt this slight itch on her neck. She tried scratching it but it didn’t feel like a rash or anything. Desire’s phone was dead so she couldn't get her camera out to look at it. So she got a left over makeup mirror that her mom left around in her bedroom and looked at herself. She saw her neck have these strange edgings…Almost like gills...wait…


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