Chapter 1

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Today I was in class in Mr. Crawford's lecture when our principal came over the loudspeaker. Well, tried too. " testing, testing, this thing on? Hello?" "Yes, Barnabus the loudspeaker is on" Mr. Crawford sighed. "Okie. Ummm... Mr. Ripley, please come to my office." "Ugh, why can no one pronounce my name" my best friend Mike muttered. Oh. I'm sorry forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ben and I go to spy school aka Smithen's science school for boys and girls. My best friends are named Zoe, Mike, and ehm... Erica. Well, I hope I mean more to her than just a friend.  I walked down the hallway to the principals' office thinking dreamily about the time Erica and I kissed in Vale and how I had started to thaw the ice queen.

"You're late" Erica responded coldly before I could open my mouth to say sorry. 

Cyrus looked me dead in the eye and slid a folder across the table with the words "For your eyes only". I opened it up and saw the name of the operation was Operation Discovery. "Why is the operat-" "Just keep reading Ripley," Cyrus said gruffly.  

I continued to read the mission briefing. It said that me, Erica and 2 others of my choice would be going to Japan for wait.... 1 YEAR! My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw that. On one hand, I was ecstatic as I got to spend time in Japan, a country that has always been on my bucket list but then on the other hand I wouldn't be able to see my parents and Jawa and Chip for a while. 

Cyrus cleared his throat. "Ahem. As I can see that you have read the most important parts of the mission I shall brief you on the rest. Your cover will be that you are foreign exchange student from Smithen's school and you have been transferred to the Japanese sister school Tagara international high school for boys and girls. Tagara is the Japanese school of espionage. There you will meet up with a group from the Canadian spy organization CSIS. You and the group from the CSIS are to and investigate how Croatoan was created. We have been tipped by the PSIA ( Japanese spy agency ) that Croatan may have originated from Japan instead of what we initially suspected. Good luck agent." 

I nodded and walked out to tell Mike and Trixie the news. Oh, and yes, Trixie has been accepted due to me and Mike being forced to spill the beans. Luckily we didn't get expelled due to the fact that the Hale family was going to tell her anyway.

I found Trixie and Mike at the shooting range where they were practicing. I was going to tell them but I heard them talking so not wanting to interrupt I hid behind a wall and waited for their conversation to finish. "Hey Mike," I heard Trixie say "I have a secret to tell. But you cannot tell anyone. Deal?" "Deal," Mike replied. Then I couldn't hear anything else as they hushed their voices. I sighed and went up to tell them. "Hey Mike. Hey Trixie." I said. They both wheeled around, surprised. "Man, you're becoming more and more like Erica sneaking up on people like that". We laughed.

 "Anyways, I thought I would tell you that we are going on a 1-year long mission to Japan." "Really?" Mike said curiously. As I filled them in I drifted off, thinking about the good times I might have in Japan. This mission sounded easy enough. And maybe, just maybe, Erica might thaw just a little bit more. My thoughts were interrupted by Mike who snapped his fingers at me. "Hey Ben? Are you okay? You kinda tuned out there." "Oh ya I'm fine thanks" I replied, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Sure you are Ripley" Mike said with a wolfish grin. Luckily, Erica interrupted my response. 

"Grandpa is ordering us to move out." "WHAT?" We all looked at Erica in shock. "But I just told them!" I said shocked. "Fine. You have 15 minutes. We leave and 0500 hours." she replied then walked off in the direction of the school. Me, Mike and Trixie stood there gobsmacked then we looked at each other. Then we raced off to our rooms to pack. We were ordered to bring lots of clothing, both winter and summer clothing. With my innate sense of time, I knew that it was near 0500 hours so I raced to the front gate, panting when I finally made it. I looked back and saw Trixie and Mike also running over but they were not as degraded as I was. 

Cyrus ordered us to get into the Jeep he and somehow got. I sat with Mike at the back with Erica and Trixie in the front.  I started to snooze off but then I heard talking. The jeep had soundproof glass between the front and the back but for some reason, I and Mike were not separated from Erica and Trixie. " So, Erica, can you tell me why you like that Ben kid so much?" "I don't. Relationships are a liability." Really Erica? Then how come you mentioned him like 4 times. You have never mentioned a boy before that Joshua kid and we all know how that turned out." 

"How do you know?" Erica looked at Trixie gobsmacked while Trixie looked quite happy her sister was surprised. "I overheard Grandpa muttering about what Joshua did to you! I'm a good spy don't you think?" Erica quickly returned to her icy demeanor and glared at Trixie. "Also Ben, I know your listening. 

I quickly tried to pretend to be in a conversation with Mike but Erica quickly caught on and just rolled her eyes. 

I fell asleep wondering if Erica really liked me or Trixie was just making things up.

Hehe. Cliffy. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful day.

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