Chapter 3

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"AHHHHHHH!" I shot up out of my bed as I woke up in a cold sweat. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room. They started asking me if I was alright. I responded I was but in my mind, I was thinking I need to find Mike and Trixie. 

" Excuse me doctor, but how did you find me?" He turned to look at me. " Well, some girl looking about your age walked into the hospital carrying- actually more like dragging- you into the hospital. She was all bloodied up but claimed that the blood was from you and your friend-" "Friends? What did they look like? Are they awake?" "The doctor looked caringly at me and responded "Yes your friends. One was a girl and one was a boy and yes they are awake. You will be able to visit each other's hospital room soon." 

I pretended to nod and sink back into the hospital bed but as soon as he left the room I got out of bed and started to sneak out the window. Outside, I saw Mike and Trixie helping each other outside the hospital and I ran over. "Trixie, Mike, you guys okay?" I whispered. " Yes, we are fine Ben" responded Mike.  "Don't worry about us." Just tell us the plan."

I looked at him confused. Then it clicked in my head. I was the one who always created the plans. I looked at him and Trixie. " Alright, let's start walking away from here first." We walked out into a forest where I hatched my plan. "1st, we need to ditch these clothes. It would look suspicious to see 3 teenagers walking around the street in hospital garments. 2nd, we need to alert the CIA and make contact with  the team from the CSIS and alert them of what happened."

"What about Erica?" Trixie asked. "Ummm..." I stuttered. I had hoped no one would bring that up as I had no idea where to start. Suddenly I heard a voice coming from my head. It was from Erica. "Ben, tell Trixie not to worry and that you already have a plan. You will need to take the role of contacting the CSIS and the CIA. Tell Mike and Trixie to go get some clothing. I need to talk to you in private." I repeated what Erica had told me to say. I was trying to act calm but inside I was scared.

There were so many questions swirling around my head. Where was Erica? How could she talk to me? She never gave me an earpiece. Why did she tell me to take the role of contacting the CSIS and the CIA? 

 As soon as Trixie and Mike left Erica starting talking to me again. " You can talk to me and I can talk to you. The way it works doesn't matter. Understood?" "Yes, Erica." " Now the reason I need you to contact the CSIS and CIA is that I only trust you with the job of telling the CIA and the CSIS what I am telling you. Understood?" "Yes," I responded. "Good. I need you to tell the CSIS that the mission has been called off. The CIA operatives and PSIA operatives have dealt with the situation and are not needed. I need you to tell them that word for word. Got it?" "Yes, Erica bu-"

"Good. Next, I will need you to tell the CIA that the mission was completed and Cyrus will give them the details. Finally, I need you to tell Cyrus what has happened on the mission. Got it?" "Yes, Erica but wh-" "Alright. I can finally rest easy knowing that the world is safe. And Ben? Thank you. For everything. I wish you a long and prosperous life. Goodbye Ben. Forever." "Erica? ERICA? WHAT ARE YOU DOIN-" I shouted frantically and then I heard the loud bang of a pistol. Erica Hale was dead. And it was all my fault. 

I couldn't believe it. I lay there in shock until Mike and Trixie returned. " Hey, Bennnn? We have good news! Grandpa aka Cyrus is here. He picked us up in a car and gave us new clothes to change into." But I didn't hear any of that. As all I could think of was that Erica Hale. THE ERICA HALE. Is dead. And that was the last thing I thought before I blacked out. 

I awoke in my room in Spy School. My room was filled with bouquets and letters all sending their condolences to me. Many read that they could not comprehend how it would have felt for me to hear someone's time. Especially the legendary Erica Hale. We held a funeral for her in the forest grounds behind the school. Alexander and Catherine were sobbing into each other's shoulder. Trixie was crying while Mike tried to console her. Many students were still in shock as the Ice Queen was KIA. Some students were holding onto the small ounce of hope that the gunshot was a fake. 

But for me? It wasn't the Ice Queen who died. It was Erica. Not Erica Hale. Just Erica. She was the greatest person I ever met. And one of the most competent spies that this Academy had ever produced. But most of all? She was the person who I liked; loved who I will love, forever. 


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