Hot tub.

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By the time we got back to Mark and Amy's it was starting to get dark, we got out the car and made our way into the house. Ethan and Mark took Spencer and Chica off their leads and took of their harnesses, they made their way over to two large pet beds in the lounge room and both laid down, falling asleep almost instantly.

"They're so precious" I cooed clasping my hands together over my heart.
"Aren't they?!" Amy cooed back.
"Are you guys getting hungry?" Ethan asked, his stomach growling as he spoke.
"Actually, yes. Let's get some dinner!" Amy exclaimed.
"What do you guys feel like?" Mark asked walking toward some menus he had sitting on the coffee table.
"Pizza!!" I shouted
"No surprise there" Mark rolled his eyes, I poked my tongue out at him.
"They're the best though!" I whined.
"Yeah yeah you're right" he chuckled. "I don't even need to ask what you guys want do I?"
"I'm pretty sure you know by now what we all eat." Ethan commented.
"Okay give me five, I'll call and order them!" Mark said walking away with his phone in his hand.
"Hot tub?" Amy looked at me pointing outside.
"Hot tub." I nodded.
"Let me get you some bathers!" Amy said running off.
"You gonna come?" I looked over at Ethan.
"You know it!" He said back. "Let me ask Mark for some shorts.
"(Y/N)!!" Amy called from another room.
"Coming!!" I yelled back to her.

I made my way through the hallway, peeking through each door I passed trying to find Amy. Once I found her she was standing in front of a wardrobe, turning to face me and holding out a skimpy black and white striped bikini.
"Really?" I looked at her.
"Yeah sure, why not?!" She threw the bikini at me.
"It's a little.. small?" I held the bikini in front of me looking at it and then back to her.
"It's either that or you go nude?" She shrugged.
"Fine." I sighed.

I walked out the room and into the bathroom across from it and began stripping off to change into the bikini. I folded all my clothes and held them close to my chest as I walked out and into the lounge room, feeling a little exposed. I placed my clothes on the coffee table and basically ran to the hot tub in the hopes that no one was there yet.

To my surprise both Ethan and Mark were already in the tub, both shirtless, their slightly wet chests glistened from the lights inside the hot tub. I tried to look like I wasn't uncomfortable and flustered and strolled my way to the hot tub to join them. I looked at Mark who was talking to Ethan, but Ethan seemed a bit distracted. I turned to face Ethan who was looking at me up and down and biting his lip. I blew a kiss to him once I noticed making his cheeks flush a deep red.

I stepped into the hot tub, sitting myself down next to Ethan, half sitting on his lap. The water was warm, it was instantly comfortable.
"Hi baby!" I kissed him quickly on the lips.
"Hello" he smirked biting his lip again when I pulled away.
"You guys are so gross" Mark said interrupting Ethan's gaze.
"What?" Ethan whined.
"The way you look at her, it's like you're going to eat her.." he chuckled.
"Maybe later I will.." Ethan laughed and winked at me, I just rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Pizza is here!" Amy called out, walking out with pizzas in hand, wearing a cute yellow one piece with small polka dots and a big bow on the front.
"Why couldn't I have worn that instead!" I huffed.
"I forgot I had it" Amy shrugged and laughed.
"Yeah I bet you did." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"Let's be real, that bikini looks hot on you!" She waved her hand at me.
"You're not wrong!" Ethan exclaimed.
"Still gross" Mark shook his head.
We sat in the tub for a while, eating pizza and talking crap.

"Who wants to play a game?" Amy asked running her hands together.
"What kind of game?" I look over at Amy, scooting myself off ethans lap to a spot where the jets would massage my lower back.
"Never have I ever?!" She basically shouted.
"I guess it couldn't hurt" Mark shrugged.
"Okay sure!" Ethan agreed.
"Well seeings we have no drinks to sip on, we'll just count it on our fingers. So if you've done the thing, just put a finger down!" Amy explained.
"Sounds good! You can go first!" I said to her.

We all held up our hands to start counting how many things we'd done.
"Never have I ever missed a really important flight!" She said. We all put a finger down.
Mark went next. "Never have I ever gone to a vet appointment and forgotten the pet" he looked at Ethan who looked super embarrassed.
"It happened one time!" He laughed putting down a finger. "Fine never have I ever tried to kill a friend!" He looked back at Mark.
"Are you dead?" He laughed.
"No, but I thought you were going to kill me with that god damn paint ball gun!!" Ethan whined. I rolled my eyes.
"Never have I ever moved to the other side of the country, I guess?" I asked. We all put a finger down.
"Boooring! Let's get into something juicy!" Amy looked me dead in the eyes. "Never have I ever done something sexual in public!" She shouted.

I looked over to Ethan, his face turned bright red as we both put a finger down.
"Excuse me what?!" Mark boomed at us.
"Yeah.." I said quietly looking down at the water.
"And what exactly happened?" Mark asked leaning forward curiously.
"Well..." Ethan started. "We were kind of having this game of who can sexually frustrate who the most, so I got (Y/N) a remote controlled vibrator, tortured her with it and uhh..." he stopped.
"Go on!" Mark pestered.
"Um, I guess we had sex at the con we went to after the meet and greet..." Ethan trailed off.
"I KNEW IT!" Mark yelled. "I knew that's where you two disappeared to!" I looked at Mark curiously.
"What do you mean you knew?" I asked.
"Well you kept making weird faces, which now makes a LOT of sense, then you looked super angry and you ran off with Ethan and no one could find you guys anywhere" he chuckled.
"I couldn't believe it either but, get it girl!" Amy high fived me. " I mean you did tell me that you had to take care of something." She finger quoted the end.
"Yeah I did" I laughed.

We continued playing for a while, and then I noticed my fingers were all wrinkly, Ethan looked down at his too.
"Should we get out?" He asked.
"Nah it's nice and warm!" I snuggled into him, to which he put an arm around me.

We got distracted talking when we looked over to Mark and Amy making out across from us, we giggled like school kids seeing someone kiss for the first time. They were never very affectionate around other people. They broke the kiss and saw us looking.
"We're gonna go to bed, you guys can stay in the spare room tonight if you want to." Amy told us, standing up and winking at me. I winked back knowing exactly why they were leaving. "Sleep well"
Mark followed closely behind, pinching Amy's butt as she walked in front of him making her giggle.

I turned back to Ethan and cuddled him some more.

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