Day after.

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I'm not sure how we got back but I woke up in my bunk, head pounding from the night before. The last thing I remember was dancing with my arms around Ethan and then buying a drink for Amy and I.

I rubbed my face and groaned loudly to which I heard shuffling beneath me. I checked the time and it was already 11am. I popped my head out of my bunk and down into Ethans to see him still sleeping. He looked so peaceful when he slept. I then looked around to see the three bunks on the other side empty. Mark, Amy and Sean must have gone out to the con for the last day.

Seeings they weren't here I slipped out of my bunk and climbed into Ethan's with him, it was a tight squeeze but I managed. I pulled myself under his blanket with him, he was only wearing sweat pants, his torso bare. I kissed him on the cheek which made him wrap his arms around my waist and mumble in his sleep. I sighed heavily, still tired from the night before. As I breathed in I could smell Ethans aftershave. He smelled like lavender, it smelled so nice.

I snuggled myself closer into his chest and felt myself drifting off again. Somehow I don't think we will be making day two of the con.

- time skip -

"Guys?" I heard a voice call out, the voice causing Ethan to stir in his sleep.
"Ethan? (Y/N)?" The voice got louder as they got closer.
"Wake up!!" I opened my eyes to see Sean standing in front of the bunk.
"Oh hi Sean" I said with a croaky voice.
"Yeah hi yourself, get up, it's 3pm and Mark is coming back. You best get out of the bunk together before he chucks a fit." He said laughing but with caution.

Ethan must've heard because his eyes shot open and he let go of me. "Quick get out of the bunk, Mark will be pissed if he sees us in it together!!" He said quickly.
Just as I did, Mark and Amy came into the bus, I stood beside Ethan's bunk in my pyjamas next to Sean.

"Jesus are you guys just waking up?" Mark laughed.
"Um yeah, it was a big night last night." I scratched the back of my head smiling.
"You're not wrong!" Amy said to me laughing while holding up her phone with a video of me dancing up on the bar.
"Oh no.." I looked away embarrassed.
"Oh yes." Mark laughed. "Wait til the world sees that one."
"Oh Mark please don't!" I pleaded with him, almost begging.
"Don't worry baby girl, I'll make sure he doesn't put it on anything" Ethan said sliding his hands around my waist as we stood there. Mark just rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, you guys missed out on the whole last day of the con so there's no point getting dressed, we're gonna leave soon." Amy said to us while plopping herself onto the small couch and scrolling through her phone.
"Aw is it really over?" I pouted. "I really wanted to go back in"
"We can go to the next one!" Amy smiled at me. That made me smile.

I felt Ethan yawn and then grab his head as if he were in pain. "How many did you boys end up drinking anyway..?" I questioned.
"A few..?" Ethan replied.
"Ha! A few you think?!" Sean interrupted. "I've never seen you drink so much before boyo!"
"That many huh?" I laughed as Sean began listing off all the drinks and shots he and Ethan had together.
"How am I not dead from all that?" Ethan laughed to himself.
"Well I mean I'm glad you didn't die from it all" I kissed his nose.

I started to feel a bit cold so I reached into my bunk and pulled on my Soft Boi hoodie and plonked down next to Amy, pulling my knees up to my chest and leaning into the corner to make myself comfy, just as I did the bus driver started the engine and we were on our way.

The Housemate (Ethan Nestor x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon