Home sweet home.

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We arrived home really late at night but for some reason both Ethan and I had a bit of a buzz going on.
"Hey (Y/NNNNN)!?" Ethan called my name with a sweet voice.
"Yes Ethannnnnnn" I sang back.
"I don't wanna go to bed yet." He pouted and crossed his arms.
"That's okay neither do I!" I laughed
"Let's make a blanket fort!!" He said excitedly.
"Ooh okay! You get the chairs, I'll get the blankets and pillows!" I matched his tone.

I ran upstairs and gathered the blankets off our bed and the guest bed and threw them to the bottom of the stairs before going back for some pillows. I came running down the stairs to the sound of Ethan bringing in the dining chairs and setting them out in the shape of a square. While he was distracted I threw one of the pillows at him, it smacked him straight in the face. He looked up at me shocked then down to the pillow and back up to me with a smirk on his face.

Ethan picked up the pillow and came charging at me making me giggle like an idiot.
"Get back here you!" He screamed still chasing me.
"Never!" I yelled back.
"That's it, you're done for!" He yelled and threw the pillow at me before turning to run away from me.
Before he could get far enough I threw it back at him with all the force I had and it missed him, to which he laughed at me really hard. I just made a sad face at him.

"Aw come here baby." He held his arms out for me
"No! You laughed at me" I stomped my foot on the ground.
"Come onnn, I'll give you cuddles!?" He bribed.
"Okay fine" a little smile appeared on my face as I made my way towards him. He pulled me into a hug before grabbing my head and rubbing his knuckles against it, laughing again.
"Hey no fair! You said cuddles" I yelled trying to squeeze my way out of his grip.
"I know I did but this is more fun!" He laughed again.
"Nope! You can make this fort yourself!" I huffed at him and plopped myself on the couch.
"I will! And it will be the best fort you have ever seen!" He said putting his hands on his hips, making me laugh.

I sat on the couch as I watched him make the fort by himself, constantly standing back to admire it then scrunching up his face and changing it again. This went on for what seemed like forever and I started yawning.
"Eth, it's fine stop changing it, I'm tired!" I whined
"But it's not PERFECT!" He exclaimed
"It's perfect enough because you made it." I said sweetly.
"Aw (Y/N), that's so cute." He came over to the couch and plopped down next to me. "So we're sleeping in it tonight right?"
"I mean we didn't take all the blankets off all the beds to not sleep in it." I laughed.
"Yeah I guess you're right." He laughed back rubbing the back of his neck. "Well we should get in it!"

We both got off the couch and crawled into the fort laying down next to each other.
"Hey babe?" Ethan said playing with my fingers.
"Yeah?" I looked up at him.
"Thanks for being so great to me, it means the world to me that you're so loving and proud of what I do. I honestly couldn't imagine myself with someone else." He said still playing with my fingers.
I grabbed his face so that he was looking at me and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I will always be proud of you Eth, you're so amazing at what you do, how could one not be proud of you?" I kissed him again, he smiled into the kiss and cuddled me tighter.

I snuggled into his chest and listened to his heart beat and soft breaths. It was always perfect when I was with him. I always felt safe and like I didn't have a care in the world. Because he was my world.

He kissed my forehead one last time before we fell asleep.

A/N: hi sorry it's a kinda short-ish one! I hope you guys are liking this, if you have any suggestions let me know!! <3

The Housemate (Ethan Nestor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now