Night out.

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Once the mini bus finally arrived, we all piled in, Ethan and I in the back, Mark and Amy in the middle and Sean in the front. Sean began making whooping and excited noises.
"I feel like I haven't been out in so long!" He shouted. "I am ready to have some fun and have some drinks! Ethan, are we still going one for one?!"
"Oh hell yeah!" Ethan excitedly said back.
This was going to be a rough night for him, he's a bit of a lightweight.

When we got to the venue it looked like a large place where someone would have a wedding reception. As we walked into the foyer I took in all the surroundings, the ceilings were high and bright white, huge flower bouquets on either sides of the door to main event room, there was a small bar to the left to grab a drink before you walked in and a small seating area on the right.

I must have been caught up in the moment looking around as I felt Amy grab me by the had and pull me through the doors to the main room. This room was dark yet filled with bright coloured lights that circled the room, there was a Dj at the dance floor that kept setting off a smoke machine every few minutes surrounding us in a light fog which had the colourful lights bouncing off it. The music was loud but exhilarating.

On the right there was a large bar with several bar tenders, to which I'm not surprised both Sean and Ethan were already at buying their first round of drinks. I walked up to where the boys were and put my hands on their shoulders as I squeezed through to buy myself a drink.
"One (favourite drink) please!" I asked the bar tender.
"Sure thing sweetheart" he said back beginning to make my drink.
"We should start the night with a round of shots!" Sean shouted to Ethan and I over the music before turning to the bar and asking for 3 shots.

The bartender placed three shots in front of us, I'm not quite sure what it was but we all clinked our shots and downed them. The burneing sensation at the back of my throat sent a tingle throughout my body and an instant buzz, I chased it with my drink and then grabbed Ethan by the hand and pulled him to the dancefloor.

He placed on hand on my hip and we started dancing in time with each other, he leaned in to kiss me as we danced and then finished his drink, heading back to the bar to find Sean and get another.

- time skip -

Quite a few drinks later I'd found myself dancing up on a table with Amy, the three boys standing beside it cheering us on.
"Amy you want another drink?!" I yell to her over the music.
"Ooh okay!" Her eyes lit up.
I bent down to tap Ethan on the shoulder. "Do you think you could help me down?" I giggled.
"Of course my love!" He held his hand out to me and helped me off the table, he continued to hold my hand as we walked to the bar to get Amy and I another drink.

Before we even made it to the bar, Ethan stopped me and pulled me close to dance together as Levitating - Dua Lipa came on. He held my body close to his as the songs chorus sang the words I felt for him.

~I got you, moonlight, you're my starlight I need you all night. Come on, dance with me, I'm levitating. You, moonlight, you're my starlight, I need you all night. Come on, dance with me, I'm levitating~

I couldn't help but smile and giggle as we danced because I knew this was the man I loved. His smile and laugh as we danced to the song made me feel like I had fallen deeper and harder for him than I thought I could.

"Eth, I love you so much!" I hugged him tight.
"I love you too babygirl" he kissed the top of my head and then we continued to the bar when the song finished.

A/N: hi sorry this was a kinda shitty/shortish chapter, I just wasn't feeling it the way I thought I would lol.

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