Marks house.

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Ethan and I have been living together for a few weeks now and today he's invited me over to Marks place because they needed to film for Unus Annus today. I finally mustered up the courage to accept his offer after having met Mark and Amy a few times here now.

I got myself ready this morning, throwing on a simple grey tee and a pair of comfy shorts, knowing I'll be out of the way most of the day. I grab my small backpack throwing in my phone charger and iPad, prepared to watch some YouTube while the boys record.

"(Y/N)!" Ethan knocks at my door opening the door not long after. "You ready to go?!" He grinned ready to leave as soon as I am.
"One sec!" I smile back slipping on my shoes, tying them up before making my way to the door.
"You look nice." He looked me up and down then looking into my eyes.
"I mean I'm only in bumming around clothes, but thank you!" I blew a kiss at him, flirting a little.
"Okay let's go." He winked back at me turning around and walking down the stairs to the door.

I lock the door behind me, walking to the car where Ethan already was, starting the car to leave. I put my seatbelt on and we start driving. Subconsciously I sit my hand on his thigh as he drives along, he looked down at his leg, smirked and then looked back at the road. I turned up the radio, Death of A Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco playing on the radio, we both sang along making our way to Marks place.

Soon after we arrive at Marks and park in his driveway, Ethan stopping the car to grab the keys from the ignition. He stepped out the car and over to my side, opening the door for me as I take of my seatbelt.
"Thank you sir!" I grab his extended hand, helping me out the car.
"You're welcome m'lady" he responds closing the door behind me and leading the way to Marks front door.

He walks straight in without knocking as if he lived there, I follow him inside taking in everything around me in Marks house. Amy comes running to the door to greet us. "Hey guys!" She calls out hugging us both, one after the other.
"(Y/N)! Let me show you around quickly, you haven't been here yet have you?!" Amy asks excitedly
"I haven't, no! Thank you!" I smile to her, Amy grabbed me by the hand and showed me each room in the house telling me to make myself comfortable.
"Marks out the back with Chica if you want to go out and say hi before the boys start filming!" She says leading me outside.

"Hey Mark!" I call out, he's busy setting up the outdoor setting for the guys to film.
"Hey (Y/N)!" He walks up giving me a bear hug
"What are you guys filming today? Or is it a secret?" I whisper the last part.
"You'll just have to find out in a couple days." He winked teasingly.
"Bummer, I'll just have to watch through the windows then." I laughed back.

Ethan walked out to join us, only in his swimming shorts, I looked at him taking in his body knowing full well how it feels and what the rest looks like. I bit my lip as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"I should go inside while you guys film then." Stopping myself from thinking anything extra. The boys laughed as I turned around and made my way inside leaving Mark, Ethan and Amy outside to film. I propped myself up on Marks couch and got out my iPad and headphones, watching some YouTube but also sneaking glances at the boys while they film.

I watch as Mark pulls himself out the water, hair wet and slicked back and Ethan not far behind, shaking his hair as he comes up for air letting his messy brown hair flop in front of his eyes. He looks breathtaking with wet hair and water dripping off his face and down his chest.

I turn back to my iPad to not spoil anything for myself in the video watching Marks new 3 Scary Games video keeping myself occupied as they finish up.

By the time the guys finish, Amy has whipped up a feast for us all to eat and then we all sit back at the couch, throwing on a movie, none of us bothering to watch, we just enjoy each others company chatting for the rest of the night, Amy and Mark on one side of the large couch and Ethan sitting next to me on the other side.

Amy had her head leaned on Marks shoulder as we all talked, his arm around her waist and his other hand laced with hers. I admired the connection they have together smiling to myself. I look at Ethan while he's talking to Mark watching his facial expressions as they talk about anything and everything. He catches me watching him and without breaking conversation he places his arm around me leaving his hand on my hip, rubbing it with his thumb.

Ethan makes me feel warm and safe, even just sitting next to him. I can't help but wonder how he feels, I know I can feel myself developing feelings for the guy. I find myself sinking into his side leaving my hand sitting on his thigh and he adjusts himself to get comfortable on the couch again, pulling me closer to him at the same time.

We spend the rest of the night with Mark and Amy talking about upcoming videos and ideas for more.

The Housemate (Ethan Nestor x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin