New friendships.

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While Mark was out getting the pizza we ordered, I walked downstairs leaving what progress I've made in my room to go hang out with Ethan. I walked past the laundry where he was, he was taking his shirt off, showing off his toned body. I couldn't help but stare at him, watching as he removed his shirt, throwing it to the floor and replacing it with another straight from the dryer. Once his shirt was on he looked over to me and winked causing me to blush. A lot. I felt the heat coming off my cheeks and turned around to walk to the lounge room, Ethan following not far behind.

I plopped down on the couch petting Spencer as Ethan walked back in.
"Like what you see eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and smirked causing me to blush more than I thought I could.
I turned to look at Spencer again. "Uh is the heater on in here?" I stuttered out.
"Not a chance." Ethan laughed at me and sat down next to me. "you're going to have to get used to that living with me, the aircon doesn't work too well so most often, I'm not wearing a shirt, just in shorts." He nudged my arm which for some reason gave me goosebumps.
"Oh okay, I'll try to remember that" I giggled back.

Mark walked back through the door while Ethan and I were on the couch talking.
"I come with gifts!" Mark called out, pizza in one hand, beers in the other.
"Ooh yes!" Ethan said grabbing the beers from Mark putting all but three in the fridge. "Here!" He offered one to me and the passed one to Mark. Mark put the pizzas down on the kitchen bench before cracking open his beer and holding it up to us. "Cheers guys! New friends and new beginnings!" he called out. We all clinked our cans and took a sip before eating some pizza together.

A few drinks later we were all starting to get a bit tipsy and laughed the night away enjoying each others company. Mark and Ethan told me about their friendship, what no one online gets to see and I told them about my life. Marks phone began ringing, I glanced over to see the name Amy across the screen.
"I should get that" He got up and walked to the backyard to talk to Amy.
"(Y/N)?" Ethan said.
"Yes?" I answered back.
"You're kinda cute" His face flushed.
"Ethan, that's the drinks talking." I laughed at him
"Nah, the drinks talking would be me asking you to follow me upstairs" He winked making my face red hot again. I took another sip of my drink to try to cool down realising the can was empty.
"Another one?" I stood up asking Ethan and pointing to the can.
"Yeah sure." He said finishing the last of his drink.

I walked into the kitchen to get more drinks while Mark walked back inside. "did you want another Mark?" I asked.
"No thanks, I gotta get going, I was meant to have a date night with Amy, I forgot" He told me rubbing the back of his neck smiling like he knew he was in trouble.
"Oh okay!" I said grabbing another drink for Ethan and myself.

I followed Mark back to the lounge room, drinks in hand as he was saying goodbye to Ethan.
"Nice to meet you (Y/N)!" He called out while walking out the door.
"You too Mark!!" I called back waving.

Ethan closed and locked the front door behind Mark and I handed him his drink, he sat on the couch patting next to him suggesting for me to take a seat. I sat down next to him and cracked open my drink. "Here's to a new start." I clinked my can with his and took a big drink. Ethan watched me and I gulped down a couple mouthfuls. He followed suit doing the same and setting his drink down in front of him.

"TV?" He grabbed the remote putting on the first movie he sees. I nodded and adjusted myself to sit cross legged on the couch. I felt his arm fall down behind me resting his hand on my shoulder and I turned to him and smiled, he did the same.

Still on the couch I woke up realising I dozed off during the movie, my head was in Ethan's lap, he was still awake scrolling through his phone, one hand playing with my hair.
"You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you, it's been a big day." He smiled down at me. "why don't we go to bed and we will start again tomorrow?" He offered.
I sat up feeling his hand come away from my hair. "yeah that sounds good. Thanks again for all this Ethan."
"No stress, I'll see you in the morning." He stood up and made his way upstairs, I followed not far behind closing my door and jumping into bed under a warm blanket.

A/N: hello, yes I know Mark doesn't drink because he 'can't' but he can have some alcohol just not often!

The Housemate (Ethan Nestor x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora