Chapter 18

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''What the fuck are those?'' Jackson snarled when he walked the perimeter with Derek, Stiles, and Isaac. He turned towards Stiles when his scent suddenly turned afraid and embarrassed.

''Fuck my life.'' Stiles hissed before running towards the flock of weird purple creatures. Derek, Isaac, and Jackson all screamed for him to stop and ran after him.

''KING MIECZYSLAW GENIM!!!!!'' The flock bellowed before crowding around Stiles and touching him everywhere they could reach. Stiles was quickly stripped off his shirt, and the flock was working on his zipper.

Derek could only watch with anger and was growling and swatting at the little flying creatures.

''Bad wolf!'' A creature said who just got hit by Derek's hand. Before Derek could do anything, he was hanging upside down.

''Uhm, Stiles?'' Came the questioning voice of Isaac next to him, also upside down. Jackson was growling and sneering at the little creatures, but they were still trying to strip Stiles down.

''KING MIECZYSLAW GENIM!'' They bellowed again when Stiles was finally out of his pants. All the creatures were now crowding Stiles and hugging a part of Stiles. Why the fuck were they hugging him.

''Like I told you guys last time. I'm not a king. And could you just hurry up? I really don't like to be standing in the preserve in only my boxers. AND NO! YOU ARE NOT PULLING THOSE OFF TOO! THE LAST TIME WAS BAD ENOUGH!'' Stiles was saying while turning beet red.

''Stiles... What the fuck is this?'' Derek said carefully, holding it in to just growl the creatures in submission. Not thinking it would work anyway.

''Uhm. These are fairies?'' Stiles said while not looking towards Derek, Jackson, or Isaac.

''Is this from the famous fairie story Lydia and Nic won't tell me about?'' Jackson said he had now stopped growling when he heard that it was fairies.

Stiles only nodded but still wasn't looking at them.

''Why are they doing this, Stiles? And what did they do last time?'' Derek asked slowly. He didn't know anything about fairies, so he was a little in the dark here.

He could see that Stiles was still standing still, but his body seemed to start glowing a little.

''Are you glowing? Do you need to get rid of energy?'' Isaac asked. He sounded a little concerned now.

''No. It's not- It's the fairies. They are taking some energy from me.'' Stiles mumbled. Still glowing, and now turning a little purple.

''Stiles.. What is happening?'' Derek tried again. He had stopped struggling. He could feel it wouldn't work.

Stiles let out a sigh. He turned to look at the three hanging werewolves. His eyes glowing purple.

''They are attracted to my sweat. That's like some kind of energy source. They need it to survive. The last time- the last time they even tried to get some other.. fluids.. I stopped them just in time. Now they need this-'' Stiles indicated with his hand towards his body where all the fairies were hugging Stiles. ''To survive. Otherwise, I wouldn't agree with it. But I couldn't let them die!'' He said while flailing.

''Stiles, your turning purple.'' Derek deadpanned.

''I know sourwolf! I know! It will fade as soon as they let go.'' Stiles grumbled. Before turning towards the creatures that were all over him.

''Finished yet?''

''KING MIECZYSLAW GENIM! You are the best! We will see you in another three moons!'' The creatures said before popping out of existence. The wolves fell down to the ground. Now only an almost naked Stiles was standing there who was cursing up a storm.

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