Chapter 21- The Arc

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Titans Tower June 8th 10:35am
Raven, Beast Boy and Wally were lounging around the tower with nothing to do while they waited for the others to arrive.

"So did Damian say why they wanted us here" Wally asked

"Something about a mission and a new member" Raven said

"It's probably going to be Jon" Garfield said

"Why" Wally asked

"Have you been living under a rock, they're dating" Gar said

"I didn't know that" Wally replied

"Hola amigos" Jaime said walking into the room

"Hi Jaime" Raven said

"I just saw Dick and Kori pull up and Damian came in behind them with someone else on his bike" Jaime said

"It's definitely the Boy of steel" Gar said

"Hello everyone" Dick said entering with Kori

"Hello everyone I'd like you to meet the newest member of our team" Damian said

"Superboy" Gar interrupted

"No, Connor Lance-Queen a.k.a The Green-Canary" Damian introduced

"Hi everyone" Connor said

"Hey Dami where is Jon" Raven asked

"Despite our arguments with our fathers he was sent to Mount Justice" Damian replied

"Wait don't they have a Superboy already" Donna said entering the room

"Yes they do but mission time, Grayson the floor is yours" Damian said

"Okay first of all Batman has asked us to let everyone know that the Villains of our Earth have somehow managed to find a way to breach to other earths and have been doing so for the past month" Dick said

"That's not good if they start teaming up with themselves they'd be able to stop us" Donna said

"Exactly that's why our team has been tasked with getting the device that allows them do this, from intel gathered from a spy within their ranks their breach device is called 'The Arc' and each Villain has one, but their is a central one located in slaughter swamp we take that out they all go offline" Dick finished

"Titans Go" Damian said

The Titans all left the room and suited/geared up and the proceeded to the hanger where they got in their jet while flying Kori went over the plan

"Jaime and Gar, you two will create a distraction just north of the base drawing their attention and Rachel and Wally you do the same on the south while Donna and I take the west, don't get caught and if you need help call. During the distraction Damian, Connor and Dick will enter the headquarters because of their seats stealth capabilities and place thes triggered explosives on 'The Arc' and get out before triggering them. Understand" Kor said

"Understood" They all replied

"We're 30 minutes away from the drop point" Damian said while flying

"So Connor, do you just have your fathers archery abilities or do you have your moms Canary Cry" Gar asked

"I have both but the Cry is only to be used in certain situations" Connor replied

"Cool" Gar said sitting back down

The Titans were over the drop point and they all exited a part from Robin, Nightwing and Green-Canary who were waiting

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