Chapter 49-The Big Day

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December 4th 2027 16:45
Jon and Damian were in the manor with both their parents having dinner, they decided to have their wedding on their anniversary and decided to hold it in the Manor instead of renting a hotel or hall and because he was permitted by law to marry people Bruce volunteered to conduct the ceremony which meant less hassle for the both of them

"So are you guys ready for tomorrow" Selina asked

"I'm more then excited" Jon exclaimed

"And Damian" Selina said

"Damian are you listening" Bruce asked

All the parents started laughing as Damian didn't respond it then became apparent he had fallen asleep with his eyes open

"It's freaky when he does that" Clark said

"He looks awake" Selina said

"Who wants to wake him, because I don't" Jon said

"I'll do it" Bruce said

He stood up and walked over to Damian and shook him awake and he almost immediately regretted it as Damian turned and punched him in the gut

"Sorry father, didn't mean to it just happened" Damian said

"It's all right" Bruce said hunched over

"What's going on, I was fine asleep" Damian said

"Selina was wondering if we were excited for tomorrow" Jon said

"Oh yeah I am" Damian said

"Someone's enthusiastic" Lois said

"I'm tired that's all" Damian said

"And what has you so tired" Clark asked

"Grayson he thought that's the four of us, him, Drake, Todd and I should have some fun so he kept us out all night and I haven't slept or had a nap since" Damian said

"Then why don't you go to bed now" Bruce asked

"Because it isn't even five yet, I can last a few more hours" Damian said

They finished talking and eating and went their own ways but they were all staying in the Manor overnight. At around half eight Dick separated Jon and Damian saying it was time for them to part and not see each other until they get married, this wasn't welcomed by either but Dick called Cassie in for help as well as the other Batfam and Superfam members to keep them apart for the night

December 5th 08:00am 2027
The day was bright and sunny but still cold as it was December, Damian had woken to say good morning to Jon but had forgotten he wasn't there beside him. He got ready into his suit, the suit was black with a red shirt and green bow tie.He then made his way downstairs where Bruce and his brothers were waiting for him

"What's happening, why are you all looking at me like that" Damian said

"Baby bird has learnt to fly" Jason said

"Stop it Todd" Damian said

"Guys will you leave us for a minute" Bruce asked

The three left Bruce and Damian alone in the corridor

"Father don't go getting emotional" Damian said

"I'll try not to but I won't make any promises" Bruce said

"Why did you want me alone" Damian asked

"Because I believe it's time I gave you this" Bruce said

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