Chapter 5-Help(1)

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Wayne Manor 20:00
Tim and Jason had just returned home from the movies after seeing 'Murder on the Orient Express', they had enjoyed the movie but the whole time Tim was contemplating what to do with the information that Cassie provided him with.

"Master Timothy, Master Bruce requests your presence in his private study and he doesn't seem to happy" Alfred said

"Ohh Timmy is in trouble" Jason mocked

"Shut it Jay I've done nothing wrong he probably isn't even that angry" Tim said walking to the study

When he entered the room Bruce was just sitting there staring out the window with his thinking face on, Tim couldn't read any emotion past that.

"Alfred said you wanted to see me" Tim said

"Yes I did, you came home earlier didn't you" Bruce stated

"Yeah why" Tim replied

"Okay then why did I have to find out from the headmaster that Damian got in a fight instead of you and where is Damian" Bruce said

"I completely forgot about the fight and he was only looking out for Jon and I thought he came home" Tim said

"Well him looking out for Jon caused that boy a broken nose and a sprained wrist" Bruce stated

"He could've done worse" Tim laughed nervously

"Now he didn't come home with you why not" Bruce asked

"I went to Mount Justice then came home then left for the movies with Jason where we met up with Steph and Artemis" Tim said

"I'm going to call Clark to see if he's at their house" Bruce said

"He's not their" Tim stated

"How would you know you said you didn't know" Bruce said

"He's avoiding Jon that's why he's taking a break from Robin and why he didn't want to go to school he's not talking to Jon" Tim said

"That's odd they seemed fine the other day what happened and if their not talking why did he stand up for him today" Bruce asked

"I need to know you won't tell Damian I told you this because I'm not even supposed to know" Tim said

"Tim I'm Batman I can keep a secret" Bruce stated

"Damian kissed Jon and now he's trying to pretend they aren't friends and he's trying to bury his feelings" Tim stated

"That's intriguing" Bruce said

Their conversation was interrupted by Alfred

"Master Bruce sorry for the intrusion but Master Damian's Robin suit is gone and he left this note" He said handing Bruce the note

I know I said I was taking a break from Robin but tonight is my last night my night to say goodbye to the suit for now.
I'll be home late don't wait up

"Should I track him" Alfred asked

"Yes" Bruce replied

Tim laughed a bit

"What's so funny" Bruce asked

"Damian disabled that tracker months ago and if you try tracking it, it will lead you to wherever he wants you to think he is" Tim stated

Gotham City 20:30
Damian was standing in the roof of the Gotham Cathedral taking in the air feeling it blow through his hair and on his face, he felt sad he was giving this up but he thought it was for the right reason.

His thoughts were interrupted by an explosion at the botanical gardens so he jumped off the building and landed on his motorcycle and drove off towards it. When he arrived he saw gas canisters lying on the ground with smiley faces on them, Joker was the one name going through his head. He walked through till he got to the central Garden where he saw a woman on the ground crying.

"Are you okay ma'am" he asked crouching beside her

"I am now" she said hitting him with a hammer

"Harley Quinn" he spat

"The one and only do it now Red" Harley shouted

Damian's arms and legs were then grabbed by the planets until he was suspended in the air completely covered in vines apart from his face.

"There you go Harley, one Robin for the Joker, do tell him I said hello" Poison Ivy said walking out from the shadows

"Thanks Red, Mistah J is going to be really happy here's your money" Harley said handing her the briefcase of money

"Bane get in here I need you to carry something for me" Harley shouted

Bane entered the room and grabbed Robin and followed Harley out to a truck that was waiting for them he placed Damian in the back and he got in the front with Harley. They were driving for 45 minutes before they stopped, Bane grabbed Damian from the back and started walking towards a warehouse, Damian recognised the place this is where Joker killed Jason.

A warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham 23:00
Damian had been tied to a chair with a single light dangling above it, he didn't know wether to be scared or not because he didn't know if they would save or not and he's much better then Jason was so he might escape before dying.

"Hello boy wonder, hope your feeling comfortable because your going to be here a while" Joker said laughing

"No I'm not I'm going to get out of these restraints and beat you with your own crowbar" Damian spat

"I'm so scared I'm trembling" Joker said sarcastically

"I'm serious clown I will have your head for this" Damian shouted

"I'm going to show you who is in control here now" Joker said walking over to a table

"I will get out and you'll regret ever doing this" Damian said

"The other one loved this part I think it was his second favourite part" Joker said slamming Damian in the chest with a crowbar

"Can I have a go Puddin" Harley asked

"Sure use your hammer" Joker laughed

And on that note Harley whacked Damian full force in the head knocking him out as she and the Joker stood their laughing.

The Batcave 01:00am November 28th
"Master Bruce, there is no sign of Master Damian anywhere, could he have ran away like future him wanted him not to" Alfred asked

"It's most likely but I'll keep the computer searching for him in it's sub-routine, I'm going to tell the school Damian is on a sabbatical and then call it a night" Bruce said

"Very well, Goodnight Master Bruce" Alfred said walking away

"Goodnight Alfred" Bruce stated turning off the lights and heading for his room

Bruce was worried for his son because he was last seen entering the botanical gardens but he never left and if he ran away and he started remembering the other timeline again there would be no one there to help so he was hoping that if he ran that he would send proof he's okay.

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