Chapter 9-The Gala(1)

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December 22nd 17:45 The Kent residence

There was silence for around five seconds but Damian's anxiety made it feel like an eternity and in that five seconds he imagined all the worst possible outcomes to this and to telling his family.

"We're proud of you kiddo, you to Damian" Clark said

"Thanks for telling us Jon" Lois said

"You guys are the best parents ever" Jon said

Damian sat there not knowing how to react he was overjoyed but didn't know what to say.

"Damian you okay son" Clark said

"He's just buffering, he's not as social as I once thought" Jon said earning a laugh from his parents

"Should we call Bruce" Lois said

"No" Damian finally said

"And there's life" Jon joked

"I don't want father or the others to know yet" Damian said glaring at Jon after his bad joke

"It's okay son, now we best be off there is work to do and we need things for tomorrow night" Clark said

"See you later boys" Lois said

Clark and Lois left the house leaving Damian still seated and Jon hovering with excitement.

"Dami, you can move now you know that" Jon said

"I know, still trying to comprehend that your parents were so accepting" Damian said

"Why wouldn't they be" Jon said

"I don't know" Damian said

"Dami, your not afraid to tell your family just in case they don't are you" Jon said concerned

"I'm sure they won't be, but there not who I'm worried about, I'm worried about the other side of my family who will find out if I tell my family for sure" Damian said

"You have nothing to fear Dami, now let's watch that movie" Jon said dragging him from his seat

They both moved over to the couch after Jon had grabbed a blanket and snacks and scrolled through Netflix. Much to Damian's dismay, Jon turned on Twilight because he thought it be fun to watch and he thought Damian would connect with the Vampires.


Clark and Lois arrived home to find their son asleep on top of Damian who was still wide awake and staring at the wall.

"Hey we're back" Lois said

"How was your evening" Damian asked

"It was nice how did you two boys get on" Lois asked

"Well it was splendid but your son did fall asleep half way through the second film and I find it quite pleasant that he chose Twilight because he thought I'd relate to the Vampires in it" Damian said

"Well he does have that sense of humor" Clark said

"And he always falls asleep during a movie" Lois said

"I'll carry him up to his room" Clark said

"Damian if you want you can stay the night" Lois offered

"Thanks for the offer but there is work to be done at home before tomorrow so I shall see you all there" Damian said walking out the door

Damian got on his motorcycle and set off for Gotham City, he took the long route home because he wasn't in any rush to get home and he wasn't in the mood to talk to any of his siblings.

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