Chapter 18-Dinner

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Sunday February 14th 06:30
Jon woke up at 6:30 to make Damian breakfast in bed, Damian usually made the food because Jon was very good at cooking but over the past few weeks he had been getting lessons off his mother so he made vegan sausages and rashers with pancakes and maple syrup. Jon finished cooking and brought the food into the room at exactly 7:00 when Damian's alarm goes off.

"Good morning Dami, Happy Valentines Day" Jon said

"Good morning beloved, Happy Valentines Day, did you make this" Damian asked

"Yes I did" Jon replied proudly

"And you didn't burn the house down" Damian stated

"Yeah" Jon replied

"You learnt how to cook, let me guess Lois has been teaching you" Damian said taking a bite

"Yeah, what do you think" Jon asked eagerly

"It's missing something" Damian said

"What" Jon asked

"You lying here beside me" Damian said

Jon crawled back into the bed beside and eyed one of the pancakes

"Take them you know I don't much care for pancakes" Damian said

Jon grabbed the plate of pancakes and drenched them in maple syrup and ate them

"You are the messiest eater I have ever seen" Damian said

"I thought it adds a childish charm" Jon said

"It does but it better not be around forever" Damian said

"Why not, it's part of me" Jon said

"Your not going to be a child forever" Damian said

"I know and that's upsetting" Jon said

"Well I'll always be older" Damian said

"And I'll always be taller" Jon mocked

"I'm going to let that slide because it's Valentine's Day, and by the way we've been invited to dinner at the manor so have your parents do you want to go" Damian asked

"Sure why not it's been a while since we've all been together" Jon said

"When Alfred rang it sounded like my father had news to tell us, so I don't know what to think" Damian said

"Good or bad news" Jon asked

"I don't know he doesn't convey emotions well"Damian replied

"I'm sure it's good news why would he ruin today with bad news" Jon said

"Your right" Damian said kissing his forehead

"Why are you getting up" Jon asked cuddling him

"To shower" Damian said

"Can it not wait" Jon said

"No it can't because you need a shower too, have you smelt yourself lately" Damian said

"I smell fine" Jon pouted

"Tt, of course you do now let go of me" Damian said

"Fine" Jon said

Damian left and got in the shower Jon just sat on the bed and turned in the TV he watched nothing in particular but one thing caught his eye, Lex Luthor was meeting with the UN to discuss Superheroes and how they should be more transparent by revealing who the truly are.

"It's not going to happen" Jon muttered

"What's not going to happen" Damian asked walking back in

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