🍋Chapter 19: Favorite Things🍋

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Location: (y/n) apartment
Day: Saturday
Time: 4:00 pm
It was a peaceful Saturday evening as I sat on my couch with Piko, my kitty beside me while I sip on my hibiscus tea, with beautiful classical music playing in the background. Kuraprika was also next to me knitting what seemed to be a soft blanket as he focused contently on it, what a cute sight it was. I stared at him in awe as I eyed the blanket that had a cream color to it with mini sparkles displayed on it. Kuraprika caught me staring as he took a glance at me, he smiled sweetly, "Do you like it so far?" He asked.

Liked it... I loved it especially since it was made by him, my mind pondered the thought of us together cuddling inside the blanket laying soothing touches on each other. "I love it Kuraprika it looks lovely you're doing a great job." I complimented him. He went right back into knitting as I continued to watch him, his hands looked gorgeous as his veins slightly popped out of them as he effortlessly utilized the needles to knit the blanket the way he wanted it. Kuraprika had always been good with his hands, it's one of his strong suits and one of my secret admirations about him. There's just something about watching him do many tasks with his hands like petting Piko, cooking, reading, drinking tea, and of course knitting, but I've always wanted to see him work his chains. My mind couldn't help but rummage through the gutter as I thought about it... then it hit me I couldn't help but wonder if Kuraprika has a favorite body part about me to0. I wanted to ask him but I was a little scared to but my lust for curiosity forced me to ask, "Pika what is your favorite body part of mine?" I blurted out as my heart started racing.

He paused as his hand touched his chin signaling that we was thinking, "Hmmm." He thought to himself as he was in thinking mode. "I would say your facial expressions, they're very fun to analyze." He answered surely. I was a bit taken back by his forward answered as I thought about him staring at my face learning what I was thinking as a blush formed on it, which was ironic as he was doing just that... studying my face for my reaction.

"And what about me (y/n) I'm curious to know what your favorite body part of me is?" Kuraprika asked curiously.

His solid answer made me more confident to tell him about mine, "Your hands Kuraprika because your talented with them in more ways than one." I said innocently. That answered sounded so good in my head but came out very wrong as it sounded a little dirty even with my oblivious tone. I caught him blushing at my answer I don't know if it was because I complimented him or his mind to was indeed in the gutter as well, either way I had him frazzled. "How interesting, please go into more detail love." He said as he multi-tasked, knitting, talking, and listening.

"Well I guess because of how kept your delicate hands are, but how you use them so sturdy and meticulously... it's kind of a turn on." I said boldly. He paused from his knitting half nervous and half intrigued as he looked at you blankly, "Huh is that so (y/n)."

"Y-yeah." I said nervously as I semi regretted what I just said.

"Okay... turn around." He commanded. I was still a bit nervous but I did as he said because I wanted to experience what he will do next. I felt his hands touch my bare shoulders as I was only wearing a tank top and a feeling of pleasing pressure rushed to me as Kuraprika's hands pushed harder into my shoulders. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip as I my body was faced front to Kuraprika as he probably enjoyed analyzing my erotic facial expressions. It felt so good as he rubbed and applied soothing pressure to my shoulders, I wanted to open my eyes but I was too scared to look Kuraprika in the face. So I turned my head to the side and opened my eyes as a smile crept onto my face. "Look at me love." Kuraprika said as he turned my face to his. His eyes burned into mine as I couldn't help but smile at him stupidly and chuckle a bit as I tried to cover up my face from embarrassment. "Again, face me love." He said sternly. I removed my hands from my face slowly and stared at Kuraprika who was able to keep a blank stare the whole time, my eyes lowered to his sweet lips as I suddenly had the urge to kiss him. Kuraprika noticed as a tiny smirk now appeared on his earlier expressionless face, he licked his lips softly as if he was telling me to "go ahead and kiss me, I know you want to." And so I did as I leaned in slowly placing my lips on his as I cuffed his face for security, I started to lay him down slowly so I could be on top and assert my dominance. But Kuraprika wasn't having it as he rubbed my sensitive spine slowly as I opened up my mouth a little to let out a tiny gasp giving Kuraprika the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in as he pushed me down onto the couch so he could be on top. He intertwined our hands as he slowly kissed me with ravishing passion as the classical music played in the background at a slow tempo. I loved this type of attention from Kuraprika as sometimes he's too busy, stressed, or tired to get intimate though we never went further than only kissing. I've always wandered how he felt about going further I mean there's been times where we almost did but Kuraprika always stopped as he had immense self control. "Kuraprika." I said breathlessly as I interrupted the heated kiss. "Do I make you happy?"

"Of course." Kuraprika said immediately as he dove right back into the kiss with even more passion than before.

"Kuraprika." I interrupted again. "Do you love me?"

"With all my heart love." He said sweetly before placing his lips back onto mine this time even more passionately to quiet me down.


Kuraprika broke the kiss and let out a heavy sigh before he got off of me and lifted me up from the couch where I previously laid as he gave me a final kiss. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned from all my questions.

"Yes, I just wanted to know." This was it I was finally going to ask him what I've always been wondering. "I wanted to ask you... why won't you have sex with me?" He was taken back a bit by my question but didn't seem all too surprised as this question was inevitable.

"(y/n)... ask me that question another day." Was all he said as he went back to knitting.
Authors Note
I don't know why but Wattpad won't let me make edits to my story on my phone so I was wondering if any of you have experienced that and how do I fix it if you have?

Thank your for reading!👾 See ya!💐
Instagram & TikTok: @captainsoupie
Now for the song recommendation.

✞❤︎❣︎Red Lenses ❤︎❣︎☕︎︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz