☁️Chapter 8: Kitty ❤︎🐱🍋

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Location: Pet Shelter
Time: 1:00pm
Day: Saturday
When I first got my apartment I've always wanted a furry friend to accompany me but I didn't have the time or money for one. But now that I do I'm finally going to get one and become a pet owner. I took Kuraprika with me as we looked at all the different puppy's and kittens.

"Do you see one that you like (y/n)?" Kuraprika asked me.

"No not  yet... I still can't even decide if I want a cat or a dog." I was walking around playing with the different types of kittens and puppy's as my ears became accustomed to their barks and whines as I bent down beside them giving them lots of attention and belly rubs. But still none of them caught my eye, I went back to Kuraprika ready to give up and try a different pet shelter until I saw him sitting peacefully playing with this cute white fluffy cat with hints of brown color to it. I was just to about to melt at the site as I saw Kuraprika sit down on the floor with the cat laying on it's back on Pikas legs as he rubbed it's belly lovingly. I saw Kuraprika smile as it purred at him and lifted its paws toward him.

"Who's this cutie?" I said to Kuraprika as I sat down beside him to pet the kitty.

"Isn't she cute (y/n). But did you find one that you liked?" Kuraprika asked.

"Yes, yes I did actually."

"Really? Let me see it."

"Your holding it right now."

"Your getting the kitten?!" Kuraprika asked excitedly.

"Yes and I think we should name it Piko."

"I like that name, then it's settled."
Time Skip 1 Month
It's been a month since I've had Piko and it's been great I enjoy our cuddle times and just her company in general. She's a sweet little kitty to and always misses me when I have to leave but the person she always misses the most is Kuraprika. He's made plans to visit my apartment more because of Piko and whenever he comes over I always find him sitting on the couch cuddling Piko. I loved this at first and was happy since it made Kuraprika visit more but now it seems like Piko is stealing my attention from Kuraprika. Like one day I finally got a day to just be with him as he took off work for a day and we were sitting on the couch making out as he was on top of me. I remember being on cloud nine as I rarely get attention like this from Kuraprika until Piko interrupted and made him start petting her. Hopefully she doesn't try to pull a stunt like that again as Kuraprika is coming over today.

"Hello love." Kuraprika said to me as he walked through my apartment door.

"Hi Kuraprika how are y-"

"Where's Piko?" He said completely cutting me off. "Huh there she is look at her she's the cutest."

"She sure is." I said sarcastically. Of course Kuraprika immediately sat on the couch and gave all his attention to Piko. "So how was your day?"

"Oh um fine." He said completely brushing off my question.

"Oh-Kayyyy, would you like something to eat?"

"Mhm sure." He said as he didn't even look at me as he replied, just kept on petting Piko.

"Also I quit my job at Cafe Noona and I'm selling my apartment and I'm moving to Whale Island." I lied in hopes to get his attention.

"Cool." He replied nonchalantly obviously not paying attention. I was starting to get annoyed and came up with the most funniest plan to shock him. "Hey Kuraprika I will be right back I'm just going to step in my room for a second."

"That's nice (y/n)." He said obviously not caring.

I went into my room and put on my favorite red lingerie as I put my robe on to cover it, my plan was to get in front of Kuraprika and take it off to shock the life out of him. I went back to the living room and stood in front of him as he looked up at me.

"Yes (y/n)." He said as he finally noticed me.

Then I took the robe off to reveal myself in the red lingerie and blurted out, "Do you want to have sex!" Kuraprikas face was completely flushed as he scanned me from head to toe, I could feel a bit of lust creeping out of his aura. Then he began to chuckle, "You see that Piko your owner is hitting on me, a nasty girl is what she is... but I like it." Kuraprika teased me. I scoffed at him and went back to my room as Kuraprika followed behind me.

"What do you want?" I told him with attitude as he stood in front of me.

"You." He said as he leaned in and kissed me while his hands gripped my waist, I held on to the back of his neck as my other hand laid on his shoulder. He then lifted me up and laid me down on my bed while simultaneously kissing me harder this time slipping in his tongue. "Are we really going to take it this far? Are we really going to reach that level I mean the whole robe thing was just a joke but now I don't think it was in actuality." I thought to my self. We continued to kiss each other passionately as heat grew between our pressing bodies. But then Kuraprika stopped as he hovered over my face and smiled, "I think we should stop for now." He said as he slid off of me then off the bed.

"Hey but wait, where are you going?" I asked him as he opened the door to leave.

"I have another kitty to attend to." Was all he said before he chuckled and left to go back to sitting in the living room... with Piko.
Authors Note
I hope you guys liked the extra spice I put in this chapter. And a special thank you to the people who leave those encouraging comments I really do appreciate them and they make me want to work harder and perfect this story. Also I have been thinking on doing a story like this but with illumi so all my illumi simps be on the look out. Now for the song recommendation.

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