💧Chapter 10: Scarlet eyes🍋

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Location: (y/n) apartment
Time: 5:00pm
Day: Saturday
A year has passed since Kuraprika and I first started dating meaning today is our anniversary. Kuraprika had planned a special date to take me out on which I was looking forward to all day but he is late picking me up. He said to be ready by four o'clock which I was, but an hour had passed and he still hasn't  showed up yet. I kept calling him leaving him a bunch of emails and text messages. As I started to get more and more worried as my panic mode set it. I took a pint of my favorite ice cream out the freezer and lugged myself on the couch hoping to get some type of answer from Kuraprika.
Time Skip 5 Hours
Five hours have gone by and Kuraprika still hasn't answered me I was frustrated from crying because it caused me to get a headache. Piko my cute little kitty tried to cheer me up but every time I see her she reminds me of Kuraprika. I was about to lose all hope and change out of the outfit I planned to wear on the special night out which was a red silk dressed paired with a special necklace Kuraprika bought me for my birthday. But then there was a knock on the door while at the same time I received a text from Kuraprika telling me he's here. I had to calm myself down for a second before I opened the door because I might lose it on him.

"Hello (y/n), happy anniversary." Kuraprika said with a monotone voice as he walked through the door." I was holding back the urge to scold him and smack him in the face right then and there.

"Where were you?" I questioned him sternly as I crossed my arms and gave him a serious look.

"I had to mission to complete."

"So you couldn't answer any of my calls or texts, or at least let me know beforehand?" I huffed at him.

Kuraprika let out a heavy sigh, "I'm here now so how about we skip the talk and just go out."

I analyzed his every move and facial expression trying to see if I could spot something that was off and I did. "Kuraprika was the hell is that red stain in your hair and chin?" I forward myself towards him so I could analyze the red substance. "Is- is this blood Kuraprika! What the hell did you do! I want answers right now!" I yelled furiously. Kuraprika then grabbed my arm and led me to the couch and sat me down next to him and right then and there he told me everything. From the phantom troupe, the Kurta Clan, his scarlet eyes, and his plans for revenge. He also admitted to me about how he was late because he killed one of the members, Uvogin.

"So what do you think of me now (y/n), now that you know everything." He asked me intensely. Of course I already knew about the Kurta Clan and the Phantom troupe because of the tea leaf reading but I didn't know his plans about revenge. I took a deep breath before I admitted everything about my nen and how I used it to find out about some of his secrets. When I told him, his reaction was calm as we both sat their in disbelief at the amount of information we withheld from each other.

"So how do you feel now about killing Uvogin?" I asked him.

"I don't know."

I could tell he was hurting and seething with anger on the inside I wanted him to talk to me and tell me how he feels. But instead he did what he always does as he slowly pushed my body down onto the couch and placed himself on top of me, his body was in between my thighs as my dress exposed my panties. He started to kiss me slowly laying tiny pecks on my neck then up to my lips building up the serotonin. Then he clashed his lips onto mine letting his tongue glide in my mouth as it intertwined with mine. Kuraprika always does this every time I want him to vent to me, instead of letting it out in words. I took a quick glance at his face and that's when for the first time I saw his eyes turn scarlet red, I was mesmerized by how beautiful they were. I was happy to see them but it just means he's feeling hurt and angry. Kuraprika continued to kiss me as his hands ventured my body, he squeezed my hips tightly and then let his hands venture underneath my dress as he pulled it up just enough to cup one of my breast tightly. I've always wanted to reach that level with Kuraprika but not now not at this state I wanted him to talk to me and let me comfort him instead of him just taking his stress and anger out on me sexually. Tears started to trail down my eyes as I can't help but feel sad for both him and me. Kuraprika noticed immediately and stopped what he was doing abruptly and got off of me quick.

"What's wrong (y/n)! I'm sorry if I hurt you we don't have to do this if you don't want to!" Kuraprika yelled as he was on the verge of breaking down.

"No Kuraprika you didn't hurt me well not physically but emotionally. I always tell you about my problems and let you be there for me but you never let me do the same for you! I love you Kuraprika I want to be there for you but it's like you just shut me out every time leaving me in the dark." I confessed to Kuraprika leaving him totally stunned.

He took in a deep breath, "I understand I'm sorry, I need to be by myself right now. I will come back when I'm ready." He said robotically as he tried to head towards the door and leave. I hurried myself to the front door and laid my back flat against it to block him from going.

"You're... you're leaving me?" I said softly between whines as he stood in front of me with a cold look in his face. He didn't answer he just grabbed the door knob to try and force the door open. But I smacked him in the face, "Answer me Pika!" I yelled in desperation but he still wouldn't talk to me, so I jumped in his arms and started kissing him, he instinctively held my thighs so I wouldn't fall. I started to take off my dress and threw it on the floor. "Kuraprika I will do anything please don't leave me here alone I will have sex with you, you can do anything you want to me, just please don't leave!"

"Stop." Pika said in a calm yet stern tone that was enough to intimidate me as he put me down. "Just please stop (y/n)."

I felt alone, embarrassed, and ashamed as I stood in front of Kuraprika exposed with nothing but just my bra and panties on with my necklace still on my neck. I felt useless and desperate as my body started to sink to the floor. But Kuraprika caught me in his arms and picked me up bridal style to my room and put me in my bed. He pulled my sheets and comforter over me and gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked away and turned my room light off and closed my bedroom door. I was hoping he would stay and maybe he would spend the night on my living room couch and play with Piko as he likes to do but that was not the case as I hear my front door being closed and locked securely as the sounds of footsteps left down the hall. I cried aloud to myself and clung onto the blanket Kuraprika knitted for me as a valentine day gift.
Authors Note
This was emotionally overwhelming wasn't it but you and Kuraprika have some pent up trauma and what was lurking in the dark is finally coming to the light.

But as always thank you for reading beautiful reader this story will be continued. Now for the song recommendation. ❤️👾

This song also goes so well with this chapter😳

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