💧Chapter 9: The Soiree🍋

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Location: (y/n) apartment
Time: 3:00pm
Day: Saturday
WARNING: This chapter contains slight sexual harassment.
I was rushing to get ready for work as tonight will be a busy night, some rich couple rented out the entire Café to hold some banquet Soiree for their greedy rich friends. But it won't be all that bad as Kuraprika's boss will be attending so Pika will be there to. We had to wear our fancier work attire for the event which was this short black dress with a white shirt underneath it paired with a bow tie around the waist with a white apron it almost resembled a maids dress. Once I was ready I hopped on my pink moped to head to the Café.
Time Skip 20 Minutes
Once I made it into the Café I examined the place as we hired decorators to spruce it up a bit for the event. It looked very fancy as expensive black cloth lined the tables with beautiful diamond encrusted vases that held a bouquet of bright red roses. Fancy golden table wear sat on the table with frost white cloth napkins as the bright spotlight made the diamond vases glisten.

"(y/n)!" One of my coworkers called out to me with a concerned look on his face. "Alida called out sick and she cannot make it."

"But we need her, we're about to be packed full in less than twenty minutes!" I replied back to him.

"Well I don't know what you want me to do, this is your call (y/n), so what should we do?"

"Hmmm, I think I have somebody who might just might be able to do it."
Time Skip 15 minutes
The night was progressing as hundreds of Limos pulled up the the Café as women with handcrafted dresses and luxurious Jewels step out the vehicle along with their filthy husbands who parade in their tacky suits. I was scanning the room trying to find Kuraprika as I was taking orders and waiting tables when out the corner of my eyes I saw him standing upright against the wall watching over his boss. He looked incredibly handsome in his fitted suit, I strutted over to him as he smiled and nodded to me eyeing me down in my fancy attire. "You look beautiful love." Kuraprika complimented me.

"Thank you Pika and you to as well look very nice in your suit. But I need you to do a favor for me."

"What is it?"

"One of my coworkers called out sick and we're really busy so we need all the help we can possibly get so I was wondering if you could do me a solid and fill in for her?"

"But (y/n) I'm working right now and I don't even know how to do your job."

"Please please please Pika I need your help you will be with me the whole time and I will guide you through all of it. And you can still keep an eye on your boss as we go by table to table, and your boss also has other body guards."

"Huh okay, fine I will do it."

"Yay! Thank you so much pika your a life saver." I cheered as I gave him a light hug. "Now let's go to the back and find you a spare uniform to put on."

"Wait (y/n) a spare wha-" I grabbed his hand and led him to the back before he could say anything and grabbed the spare uniform we had in the back that was just his size. "Okay you will need to put this black dress on along, with these including pieces to."

"Really do I have to put these on?" Kuraprika groaned.

"Yes now put them on and hurry up." I said as I turned around  to give him some privacy.

"Okay (y/n), how do I look?" Kuraprika asked as I turned around to analyze him, he looked so cute in the outfit, as the  dress hugged him perfectly.

"You look amazing Pika, dare I say you look even better than I do in it." Kuraprika just blushed a little bit at my compliment adding to the cuteness of this moment. "But you forgot to tie the bow in the front. Here let me help you." I offered as I went up to him and securely tied the bow on his waist . "There you look perfect." I said as I pecked him on the lips.

We walked back out to the dining hall to serve tables as I guided Kuraprika through the whole ordeal telling him what to do and what not to do.

"Hello sir may I take your order?" I asked this old rich man as he sat with five other rich old men in their tacky suits. Kuraprika stood behind me paying attention to what I'm doing so he will know what to do. The old man made an offensive cat calling whistle and told me, "You sure can take my order miss, and after that maybe you can do something else for me." Everyone at the table laughed as he rubbed his hands up my thigh making me highly uncomfortable. I could feel Kuraprikas raging aura expand behind me as he tried to hold himself back from punching this man square in the jaw for what he said to me.

"Haha okay sir but what would you like to order?" I said as I tried to cover up my uncomfortable feelings and sucked it up as this is not the first time something like this has happened to me. I also didn't want to cause any trouble as who knows what type of evil connections this man has.

"Uh yes doll go grab me a scotch on the rocks and a bottle of whiskey." The old man demanded. He blew his cigar smoke in my face and said another inappropriate comment to me, "Hey doll after you grab me the whiskey maybe I'll let you join us and you could sit on this lap." The man said as he patted his thigh and laughed with the people at his table. I looked over at Kuraprika who was furious and couldn't take this treatment towards you anymore and just before he was about to snap on them you held him back grabbing his soft hand and rubbing your thumb against his hand gently, catching him off guard. "Haha okay sir I will be right back with your drinks." I said trying to be as professional as I can, happy to finally leave the table while I pull Kuraprikas hand and rushed to the storage closet.

"(y/n) you should of let me take care of him, he had no right to talk to you that way!" Kuraprika yelled at me in frustration.

"And then what? You would be fired and you would have a hit on your back. It's okay Kuraprika I deal with creeps like this all the time."

"But you shouldn't have to it's not right!."

"I know." I said to him softly as I planted a kiss on his lips, every time Kuraprika gets mad or stressed like this I always give him a kiss to calm him down. He usually uses make out sessions to lower his anger and take out his frustrations. Because once you kiss Kuraprika while he's in an angry state he lets go, slamming you against the nearest wall or table kissing you hungrily as his dominant side is in charge. "Kuraprika." I softly breathed out his name as he laid me flat on top of the table in the storage room kissing me fanatically. He pressed hard against my body crashing his lips against mine... I could barely breathe.

"Okay I'm good." Kuraprika said as he wiped the drool off the side of my lips with his thumb.

"Let's hurry back to  take more orders." I said as Kuraprika helped me get off the table.
Authors Note
Thank you for reading beautiful reader this story will be continued. Bye!👾
Now for the song recommendation.

✞❤︎❣︎Red Lenses ❤︎❣︎☕︎︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon