☁️Chapter 15: Comfort part 1💧

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Location: (y/n) apartment
Time: 10:00pm
Day: Saturday
Kuraprika is on another hiatus again meaning he hasn't called, texted, or visited me in a while, and when I mean a while I mean a whole month. I was angry but a part of me felt like I'm not allowed to be since he did tell me that there will be times like this so I was pre warned but it still doesn't hurt any less. I wanted to chase after him and find him but Kuraprika made me promise that if I ever get involved with his vengeance's against the phantom troupe he will permanently leave me no ands no buts and no questions... it will be over. I know he set those conditions because he wanted to protect me but still, huh I just need to trust in him and hope he comes back.
Time Skip
It was a regular Wednesday night at Café Noona and unfortunately I don't get to see Kuraprika because he's still hasn't came back yet. I was trying to keep myself together the whole day as I served customer after customer and cooked and baked like my life depended on it. One thing that did keep me going was the necklace he had given to me, every time I feel like I'm going to lose it I grip onto it tight to remind myself that it's going to be okay. I made myself my favorite raspberry tea to go as I closed up the Café and walked home, I enjoyed my peaceful walks as I get to think about a lot of things. A lot of women would feel unsafe walking outside late at night but I'm more than capable of defending myself if need be. I felt an aura following behind me it felt similar like I knew the person who wielded it, I noticed it earlier around me as I was closing up the Café but I didn't think too much about it because the person could have just been passing by but now I've been walking for a solid ten minutes and their presence is still here. I didn't attack this person instantly as their aura didn't give off any malice, it was neutral but I still kept my guard up. I was almost to my apartment complex so now was the time to attack as I didn't want this person to find out where I lived. I paused and turned around slowly then I suddenly ran towards them and pinned them to the wall with a knife to their throat. "Who the hell are you and why are you following me."

"Hi love." The person said back as I recognized the tone of that voice.

"Kuraprika?" I questioned aloud as I moved the person towards the street lamp light to see who they are. "Kuraprika!" I yelled as I see his beautiful blond hair sway in the breeze and his sparkling fox eyes radiate in the moonlight.

"You know it's not safe for you to walk outside here all alone." Kuraprika said.

"Just shut up and let me hug you." I said desperately as I clung onto him tightly not letting him go at all. "I miss you and I need you right now Pika." I said all muffled as my face was buried in his shoulder.

"Well I'm here (y/n), let me take you home." Kuraprika said as he grabbed my hand to hold in his and walked the rest of the way to my place with me. I fiddled and played with the chains on his hand as we continued to walk, Kuraprika didn't pay any mind to it he just gripped my hand tightly and walked me home like I was a damn child who he just caught sneaking out of the house.

I let out a deep yawn as I was exhausted by the long day I had as I made it home, "I'm going to take a shower real quick Pika."

"Okay I'm going to head out bye love." He said as he tried to give me a goodbye kiss on the lips but I stopped him with my index finger as his lips met them. "Nuh uh Pika we still have to talk about some things, so sit tightly on the couch and wait."


"No buts about it Pika." I interrupted him. I placed my hand on his chest and slowly backed him into my wall, "If I find you gone after I get out the shower I promise you I will break our promise and I will hunt you down like a lion hunts it's prey... got it?"

Kuraprika swallowed a tiny gulp in his throat,"Hmph got it (y/n)." He said as he sat down on my couch and played with Piko our Kitty.

I felt so relieved when I took my hot shower that I was looking forward to all day, the smell of my favorite lavender soap intoxicated the air of the bathroom. It made me feel relaxed and even more tired as I almost fell asleep in there. After I got out I slipped on my comfy satin pj shorts with it's matching tank top shirt, I was tired and didn't feel like talking to Kuraprika but I had to get to the bottom of his bs.

When I walked back to the living room Kuraprika was fast asleep on my couch, I love that couch so much as it was a pull out couch so it could turn into a bed to. He laid there snuggled up in my blankets as Piko laid curled up behind his back. It was so cute the way Kuraprika laid there unbothered and safe for once, I wanted to feel that security to so I turned off the lights and snuggled into the bed with him as my back faced his front. I felt his hands engulf me closer to his body as he big spooned me, "Did you still want to talk." Kuraprika said in a slight huskier tone.

I felt too tired to talk and didn't want to ruin the moment by getting into an argument, "No Pika just stay with me." I wrapped my arms around his arms and played with his chains again.

"Alright." Was all he said as he laid tiny kisses on my shoulder and rubbed my thigh tenderly as I slowly fell asleep from his soft touches.
Time Skip
I woke up for work at my usual time which was six o'clock am so I could get ready, "Kuraprika?" I whispered aloud as I tried to feel if there was a body behind me but I only felt a tiny piece of paper as I grabbed it and laid myself up. It read, "Good morning love, I'm sorry that I'm gone and you didn't get to wake up with me. I have an important mission and I must hurry to get it done. You also cannot go looking for me as you told me last night that if I was gone before you got out of the shower then you would hunt me down but I was still there, so the promise still remains dear. I hope to be back as soon as possible and remember that I love you and I think about you a lot.
-Lots of love Kuraprika"
Oh wow that clever bastard, he really is a genius I must say but now I feel a giant urge to cry. And so I did as I cried while getting myself ready for another tiring day of work... I feel exhausted always.

Authors Note
Am I pretty tired myself while making this?
....... yes.
Thank you for reading this story will be continued.👾
Instagram & Tik Tok: @captainsoupie
Now for the song recommendation.

✞❤︎❣︎Red Lenses ❤︎❣︎☕︎︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang