Yunho was a ball of fluff, always babbling sweet nonsense, giggling and wanting cuddles. Even his drooling while sleeping was the cutest things he had ever seen. But Yunho had a bad sleeping habit. He wouldn't sleep in his own bed, only stopped crying when Hongjoong laid him on his chest. He only slept on Hongjoong's chest, not his, not anyone else's. And he was pretty picky. Seonghwa loved to dress him up in all the rompers he bought, but Yunho brought hell to earth everytime he saw any other romper that that specific yellow one.

Seonghwa picked his baby up and positioned him on his chest, so he could withdraw his left hand to grab the container. He carefully went out the door, down with the elevator and then placed Yunho in his stroller. He let out a quick whine and tried to grip his father's shirt. "I can't carry you to Daddy's studio, baby" Seonghwa said and buckled Yunho up again, before leaving the building.

It was late september now and fall would come soon. Which also meant, Hongjoong would finally publish his work. He was a little anxious about it, didn't want to think about what could go wrong.

Seonghwa finally reached the studio, again first picked up Yunho and then the containers before walking up the stairs. His hands being full, he knocked the door with his food as lightly as possible. But no one heard so he tried a second time.

"Door is open!" he heard Yonghwan yell.

"My hands are full!" the man yelled back, rolling his eyes as the containers were starting to get heavy.

He heard a quiet 'Oh right. Baby' before he opened Seonghwa the door. "Let me help you" he said extending his arms at Yunho. "How's uncle Yonghwan's angel doing, hm?" he cooed at him, taking him inside. "Hongjoong is recording right now, he should be done in a few minutes"

Seonghwa nodded, closed the door behind him and placed the containers on the table. "I guessed you hadn't eaten either so I brought you some too" he said, looking over to Yonghwan, who was making funny faces with Yunho.

Like on command, his stomach growled. "You're an angel sent from the heavens!" he laughed.

For a while the father enjoyed the sight of Yunho being totally peaceful with Yonghwan. He didn't like Hongjoong's friends who came to visit them after he was born, but Yonghwan was a big exception. It was again, Yunho being a ruthless picker.

Hongjoong heard laughing from the main room, catching his attention. He looked at the clock, it was noon already. Seonghwa must be here. He let down what he was doing and followed the noises. As soon as he entered the room, the smell of food found his nostrils. "Ahh~ I smell the incomparable tasty food only my husband can make~"

"There is literally a restaurant right around the corner... You don't have to wait for me" Seonghwa replied his eyes rolling. Hongjoong gave him a quick peck on the cheek before literally attacked his lunch. Seonghwa signed and took Yunho from Yonghwan's arms so he too could finally eat.

"But your food is..."

"Immaculate" Yonghwan ended and dug in as well.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes and sat down next to Hongjoong, holding Yunho tight. The boy tried to crawl over to his other father so bad. "Mhm, Yunho, we need to let Daddy eat first" the older said turning the baby's gaze to him. The baby whined at that and forcefully tried to kick himself out of his father's arms.

"Mhm!" Hongjoong hummed with a full mouth. He swallowed down and extended his arms at his baby. "Come" Hongjoong took Yunho and placed him between his legs and held him in place with his thighs. Yunho sat there contently and poked his father's tights and swinged his little short legs. Hongjoong turned back to eating.

"How is work going?" Seonghwa asked the two men curiously.

"Smoothly, he's working like a dog" Yonghwan replied and stuffed his mouth "This is going to go up like dynamite. Trust me, Joongie here has a bright future in this industry"


"Woah, Yuyu you're so old~" Mingi commented "Oldie~"

"That means Dad's music is about as old as Yunho..." San concluded and realized how much that actually seemed for him.

"Hey! You're talking as if I am so~ old! Papa is old! Papa is nearly thirty!" Yunho gave back and crossed his arms.

"Thirty?" Wooyoung questioned quietly.

"That's three times all your fingers, like that" Yeosang held up his ten fingers three times. "Yuyu is this old-" the boy showed his nine fingers, "and you're this old" he held up three. "soon you're this old" he then added one more.

Mingi looked at his hands and counted five, then kept going until he had all his hands full three times. "Woah... So many fingers..."

"Yah! I'm not old! You're just young!" Seonghwa gave back and shook his head. "tsk"

"Oh take in the dragging, Hwa. How does it feel, old hag?" Hongjoong laughed poked his husband's sides jokingly.

Seonghwa pouted. "I'm not old... Just around thirty..."

Hey! How are you?

Man I keep thinking about that girl in my bio class. We were learning about chromosomes and the she went like: Which dumb bitch said that men are the superior gender? Their chromosomes are so week, they can't even provide an even double pair. Fuck XY bitch is missing one leg-

And like- she has a point thobwhahajsj💀😂

Ahh yus. I gotta start studying for another exam tomorrow, school said let's just drench them until they break✨

Yehyeh, let's see...

Mhmm next is Yeosang and San😉

Please stay healthy and safe

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