chapter 18.

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Renesmee pov:

,, Love can you come for a second?"

I left the balcony and went to the living room.

,, Yes darling?"

,, Follow me please.", Draco smirked and took my hand.

We left our house and went down to the beach. The jetty was nicely decorated with roses and candles. It was a stary night and the moon shined brightly in the sky.

,, For what is this for?"

,, I just want it to be special. Renesmee we grew up together and went through a lot. I always had a crush on you until I finally fell in love. You're the best thing that could've happened in my whole live. I want to spent my life with you. Get old together and watch our children grow up. I love you and always love you. Will you marry me Renesmee Black?"

In shocked I stared at him. Still kneeling  down on his knees waiting for my answer he's looking at me softly. I got tears in my eyes and smiled brightly.

,, Yes! Yes! Yes!", I said and jumped in his arms.

Draco breath out in relief and put his arms around me. He took the ring out of the little box and put it on my right ring finger. It was beautiful. It was elegant and had a diamond stone on it.

,, I love you Draco."

,, I love you Renesmee."


,, She's beautiful isn't she?", I smiled.

Holding my new born daughter was one of the best feeling in the world. The other best feeling was when I hold Scorpius in my arms. He's already three years old.

,, Yes she is. What shall we name her my love?", Draco smiled.

Draco was holding Scorpius in his arms. Scorpius was playing with his little cars and then looked at his little sister.

,, Let's name her Clary. What do you think love?", I asked.

,, Clary is perfect!"

,, Welcome to our world Clary Malfoy-Black.", I smiled down at her.


,, Mum! Clary has my wand!", I heard Scorpius scream upstairs.

I sighed. Scorpius was eleven years old and in six months he would attempt to Hogwarts. Clary was eight years old and always took the stuff from her brother.

,, Clary give your brother his wand back! You will get your wand when the time is right.", I said and went upstairs.

,, But I want one now.", she said and crossed her little arms offended.

,, Darling when you're eleven you get one. I promise. You will go to Hogwarts like your brother will. So please give his wand back."

She sighed and gave Scorpius his wand back. Scorpius left and went to his room. I took Clary's hand and we went downstairs.
Draco was reading the wizards newspaper in the kitchen. We joined him. Clary sat next to Draco.

,, How's my little girl doing?", Draco smiled and let the newspaper down.

,, Good I guess.", she mumbled.

,, Why's that?"

,, Mum won't allow me a wand."

Draco smirked at me and gave Clary a kiss on her cheek.

,, Your mother is right. You will get one but not now. "

Clary pouted and looked away.

,, Aww darling come here.", Draco smiled and hugged her.

,, But can i get chocolate?", she asked in joy.

I smiled at them and gave Clary some chocolate. While she and Draco played a little i went upstairs to check up on Scorpius. I opened his door and went inside.
Like always he was studying. He wanted to be prepared for Hogwarts.

,, You know you don't have to know everything. Come on let's join your dad and little sister downstairs. You can finish what you're doing later, okay honey?", I said and learned against the door.

,, Okay mum.", he stood up and we went downstairs.

Downstairs we went to the beach and spent some time together. Scorpius would be gone for a while when he leaves for Hogwarts so I want to spent time as a family as much as I can.

While the children tried to built a sand castle Draco sat next to me.

,, We should visit the others again. Its been a while don't you think?", I said.

,, Yeah sure. You think Scorpius will be fine at Hogwarts? You know how mean the students can be."

,, Yeah i know.", i said and gave him a glance.

,, I wasn't the only one love. ", he smirked.

,, He'll be fine. I think he'll be sorted into slytherin like we did. He'll find friends aswell. Maybe with Potter or Granger-Weasley."

Draco lead his head on my shoulder and played with my hand.

,, Did you notice?", he asked.

,, What?"

,, My dream came true. We have a house at the beach. A son and a daughter. We are finally happy."

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We both watched our children play.
It was beautiful like this. Finally having peace.  Of course the past haunt us till today. But we can't change what happened.
Every scar has a story and this was ours.


A little cute chapter for ya'll,
Hope you liked the chapter!

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