chapter 10.

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Renesmee pov:

I sneak past the guards. I was almost there. I was at the back door and could here some people talk.

,, My dark Lord. We couldn't bring you the boy. He had many people with him. They escaped."

I guess this was Lucius Malfoy. It was quite for a while. Suddenly the door opened and someone took me in.

,, Don't touch me!", I shouted to the Deatheater.

,, Look who's here. Renesmee Black.", the dark Lord said and smirked.

,, If you're already here you can tell me were your little friends are. You eavesdrop didn't you?"

,, Maybe.", I said.

,, Well now. Tell me. Where is Harry Potter?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

,, I don't know."

Everyone looked at me suspicious.

,, I know how I make you talk.", Bellatrix came from a corner with a dagger in her hand.

She hold the dagger on my neck. I laughed. She really thought she could scare me.

,, Talk.", she said and pressed the dagger slowly into my skin.

It hurt badly.

,, Okay stop it!" I said.

She took the dagger and looked at me. Waiting for my answer.

,, Look I really don't know. They didn't wanted me to come with them. They didn't even told me where they headed so I can not follow them. I really don't know where Harry is.", I said.

,, My dark Lord. She tells the truth. I didn't saw her with the others.", Lucius Malfoy said.

The one who must not be named looked at me silently.

,, Well you're useless. But you may be useful. Take care of our guest.", he said.

Bellatrix took me and threw me into an room. She locked it after she came in.

,, You just look like your mother.", she smiled evil.

,, Don't dare to talk about my mother! I know what you did! You're gonna pay for it sooner or later. ", I said.

,, It was beautiful to curse her you know? I watched her all the time. The little notebook was for you right? Cute."

,, Shut up!"

,, What's in the notebook? She told you how I cursed her right? It's obvious. Well you know watch her slowly die was so liberating. "

,, You little slut!", I screamed.

She hold her dagger against me.

,, Be happy the dark Lord wants you alive or I would kill you right here.", she said angrily.

,, It's very frustrating right? You want to kill me so badly but you can't because your Lord will kill you if do it. Does it make you crazy?", I laughed.

She screamed angrily and pushed me to the ground. She sat on my and came closer to my face.

,, Be careful Black. I may not kill you but I can curse you like your little mother."

I rolled my eyes.

,, Will you sit on me the whole time?", I asked bored.

,, Of course not. I'm gonna torture you. "

,, What?"

She hold my head on the ground when she started cutting into my arm. I screamed loudly and tried to push her from me. But she was strong. She stopped for a second. Like she was thinking. Then she started to cut on my other arm. I could feel my warm blood flow down my arms. I screamed so loud that it hurt. She got of me and laughed as she saw me. I couldn't move. I was in such of pain that every strength left.

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