chapter 11.

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Luna searched for her. Helpless.
They couldn't find her. Harry went to the slytherin table and sat in front of Draco.

,, Where is she?", Harry asked.

,, What are you talking about?"

,, Your girlfriend is missing for weeks! Haven't you even tried to find her?!"

,, I have Potter! I couldn't find her."

They both looked at each other hateful.

,, Could she be at your Manor? Maybe they kidnapped her. We can't get near but you can.", Harry said.

,, I wasn't at home for a long time now. Could be possible. My parents always send me back when I came home. I will find her if shes there.", Draco said after thinking.

Draco stood up and left the Great Hall.
Harry went back to the others and told them about Malfoy.
They would free her if she was really there.
The Professors and others came in. Harry, Ron and Hermione left as fast as they could.
Since Dumbledore died everything changed. Hogwarts wasn't Hogwarts anymore.
Many people were after the Golden Trio and actually they weren't allowed to be at Hogwarts. They just came to ask Malfoy.
Everyone knew. They could feel it.
The war was near.


Renesmee pov:

The door slowly opened. Silently. Like someone sneaked in.

I didn't even looked up

,, Renesmee!"

I saw Draco kneel in front of me. He took my face into his hands and stroked my cheeks.

,, What have they done to you?", he asked worried.

I didn't answer. Just looking into his eyes. His eyes showed so many emotions.

,, I'm so sorry. For everything. I love you my Love.", he said and kissed my cheek.

I missed him. So much.

,, I missed you.", I smiled.

I didn't thought I could still smile though. It was my first smile in some time.

,, We need to leave Love. Come on. "

He helped me to stand up. He supported me while walking. We sneaked out fastly.

,, Shit they're come back.", Draco whispered.

We laid down in the high grass so they couldn't see us. After they went inside we ran away. As far as we could.We stopped and took a breath.

,, Draco.", I said and got dizzy.

I fell down on my knees.

,, Love please hold on. "

I nodded.

,, What have they done to you?", I could hear his anger.

,, They wanted to know how to kill Harry. With which Wand or were he was hiding. I didn't answer and Bellatrix tortured me.", I said and took of the bandage.

He read what stood on my arms.

,, They punished me for not talking. I only talked to Dobby but he was free after some weeks. Thanks to Harry I guess. Bellatrix she killed Dad. She killed my Dad. I found out and went crazy. I lost everything. Even my feelings. I was numb. So I cut myself so I could feel anything. Even pain.", I said.

He hugged me tightly.

,, I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I thought you would be save if you stayed away from me. I was wrong. I'm so sorry my love. ", he said with pain.

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