chapter 9.

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Renesmee pov:

,, Have you guys seen Draco?", I asked the golden trio.

We were in the Hogwarts Express. I wrote many letters to Draco but he didn't reply back. I was worried.

,, No. Why?", Harry answered.

,, Well I haven't seen him in a while and he didn't reply to any of my letters. I'm just worried."

,, We'll let you know if we see him.", Hermione smiled.

I nodded and went looking for him. I searched the whole train. I asked Luna, Neville, George and Fred. Nobody saw him.
Then I got to the last Express department.
I saw him. He sat with Blaise and Pansy. I went a little closer so I could listen to them.

,, I guess we'll be at Hogwarts soon.", Pansy said.

Draco snorted mockingly.

,, What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd rather pitch myself of the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue here for another two years."

,, Why do you think that?", Pansy asked.

He was silent. Blaise laughed.

,, Amused Blaise? We'll see who laughs in the end."

Thats not my Draco. What happend? I haven't seen him in a while. A long while. The whole holiday. Somethings up and it felt wrong. I thought.

I went back silently. I fastly went into a room and it was the golden trio sitting there.

,, Hey. Found him?", Ron asked.

Yeah he's friendly now. Finally.

,, Hm.", I nodded and fake smiled.

Hermione looked at me suspicious.

,, Somethings wrong?", she asked.

,, No. Everything is fine."

Nothing was fine.


In Hogwarts I went to my room and put my stuff under my bed. I went upstairs to go to the Great Hall. On the way I saw Draco.
He saw me too. He smiled a little but I ignored that. He ignored me for weeks. Months. He doesn't deserved my attention.
In the great hall I sat alone. It was quite.
Draco sat with Blaise and others. He looked at me the whole time. I just looked at the notebook I had with me.
The notebook was my mothers. Dad didn't even know that I found it. I actually never had to courage to read it. For the first time I would open it. And I waited impatiently that we could leave the great hall so I could go to the astronomy tower. I always was alone there. Just one time Hagrid caught me there. He was very sweet and talked with me for hours.

,, Now you can start your meal.", Professor Dumbledore said.

When the food appeared I just got one apple and stood up.

,, Where are you going?", George asked.

,, Astronomy tower."

,, Why?"

,, This notebook was my mothers. I'm gonna open it the first time. I want to be alone so please don't tell anyone. Not even Draco.", I said.

He nodded.

,, Come if you need us.", he smiled.

I nodded and gave a smile back. I fastly left the Hall. I ran to the astronomy tower. I had no patient. As I was there I went upstairs. When I was at the top I sat on the ground.
I took a deep breath. Then I opened it.

,,Lydia Black"

I smiled when I saw her name. It sad that I hadn't much time to be with her. She was murdered. By Bellatrix Lastrange. I didn't know what happend or how it happend. Dad avoided to talk about it. The only thing he told me was that Bellatrix killed her.

,, Dear Renesmee,

I know if you get this I'm already gone for a long time. I'm so sorry my girl. I knew that Bellatrix would kill me someday. Your gonna understand why. Some years ago before you were born. Before I met your father, I worked for the Dark Lord. Don't think wrong of me. I was forced to. They threatened me that they would torture and kill my parents. One day I went home. I found my parents dead in their bedroom. Bellatrix killed them while they where asleep. As I found out I betrayed them.
I helped your father and his friends James Potter and Remus Lupin defeat the Dark Lord. They succeeded. James Potter defeated him. While the war I fell in love with your father. Then I got you my beautiful child. Renesmee Black. You can't imagine how happy I was when I got you. But at the same time i was sad because i knew it wouldn't take long for Bellatrix to find me. She threatened me when the war ended.
One day when I got home from shopping I saw your father knocked out in the living room. I ran to you and saw you in Bellatrix arms. She smirked at me and wanted to kill you. I sacrificed myself to let you live. You were so scared. I never could forget the terrifying look in you eyes. She wanted me so she let you down. But she didn't killed me right away. She wanted me to suffer. She casted 'Cruciatus Curse'. Bellatrix left right away. I decided in my last moments to write in this notebook for you my dear. I want you to write inside this notebook every emotion you and memory you have. Write your experiences in here.

I love you my sweetheart,

Your mother Lydia."

,, How dare she?! How dare she to kill my mother?! I swear to Merlin I'm gonna kill you! I want you to look into my eyes while you die! I'm not gonna rest until your dead Lastrange!", I angrily hissed.

I cried in anger and sadness. I broke down.
She was a hero. She was my hero. I missed her. Every fucking second. It felt like an old wound opened again and it bleeds more than ever.


Three weeks later...

,, You stay here!", Dad said loudly.

They wanted to go to a dangerous mission and he won't let me come with them.

,, But why?", I asked.

,, You need to be save. I promised your mother. Please stay here."

I sighed.

,, Fine. "

Dad hugged me like he never did before. This made me suspicious. But I hold my promise. Well kinda. Maybe I'm not with them but I'm gonna find Lastrange. They left. So I left the house. I knew were she would be. The Malfoy Manor.

,, Wait for me Lastrange. Your grim reaper is coming."


What do you guys think will happen next?
Hope ya'll liked the chapter!

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