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George had been dating Alex for a few months and he was the happiest he'd ever been.
But he couldn't help feeling like Alex could be happier.

Alex had become severely depressed since lockdown and while he shouldn't have..George blamed himself.
He was shutting himself out more and more until George barely saw him.

Gaps between filming where they used to watch Netflix or play FIFA, Alex soon filled with long showers, deep silences and revisiting hate comments.

Times where they'd usually be watching YouTube or cuddling on the sofa, he instead hollowed out with sleeping, panic attacks and staring blankly at the wall.

George had gotten increasingly worried-
while he knew Alex's mental health had never been the best, this was the worst he'd ever seen it.
He wasn't communicating at all and it got to the point where he wouldn't unlock his bedroom door.

George wanted to help more than anything but there wasn't much he could do, or say, when they were separated by a wall.

Then one day..he decided to.

It was a Monday morning and George had just finished loading the dishwasher.

Heading back to his bedroom, he noticed that Alex's door was slightly ajar.
Seeking the opportunity, he made his way in-only to find out that he'd actually left the house for once.
He wanted to be hurt, his boyfriend hadn't said that he was going out..but then again, he didn't say anything anymore.

George presumed Alex would be back soon although started to panic at 12am, when there was still no sign of him.

George took out his phone and called him but he didn't pick up.
It went to voice mail three times, leading him to send a string of texts.
He didn't care how desperate it seemed, he needed to know that Alex was okay.
But George didn't receive a response to those either, even after he'd tried WhatsApp and DM.

Amidst everything going on in his mind, he decided to take matters into his own hands and set out to find him.

London was freezing and George wanted nothing more than to be at home.

F**k that. He wanted things to go back to the way they were.
Relaxing in a nice warm bath before getting into bed and holding Alex close as they fell asleep.

But that wasn't going to happen, in-fact it hadn't happened in a very long time.
Alex didn't speak to him anymore-never mind sleep beside him.

George ducked in and out of various alleyways, put himself at grave risk racing across a dodgy field and eventually ended up outside Will's.

He debated knocking on his door.
He felt sick, his head hurt and while he didn't want to admit it, he needed help.
George wanted someone to tell him that it was going to be okay.
He needed someone to assure him that nothing bad was going to happen.
The problem though, was that this was Alex's job.
And George didn't even know where Alex was.

Looking at his phone, he realised the time, '1:34 am.' Yeah..he wasn't about to wake Will with his problems.

After waiting around his flat some more, George was growing agitated.
Staring at his phone for a good twenty minutes, he went against all of his previous thoughts and decided to call Will and James.

Subsequent to hanging up the phone, he slammed his head on the table, sighing into his arms.
They hadn't seen or heard from him either so George started to wonder where he'd actually gone,
'Had he met up with someone?'
'Was he replacing George?'
'Is that why he'd been so distant? Did he feel guilty?'

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