Camping Trip~Pt.1

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"Ugh I hate this so much!" James groans, Will kicking a ball about aimlessly.
"Mate chill, we're leaving tonight."

"Alex you're such an d**k head!"
The pair swerve around, watching as their friends chase each other up the path.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.." Alex giggles, circling past a set of tents.

"Didn't mean to? Al you chucked it at my forehead!" George whines.
"Still hurt. You mor-"

"Guys!" Fraser wanders over, a flush now tainting his cheeks, "I asked you to make a campfire, what the hell is this?" He appears slightly agitated.
"Sorry mum." Stephen gets up from the log, receiving a glare in response.

"Look mate it's fine, it's raining at the moment anyway." Will remarks.
"Drizzling, now come on!"
"But..I'm busy." He sulks.

Fraser raises an eyebrow,
"I'm also busy." George states.
"Mate you're literally just standing there."
"Yes, injured and fighting like the brave soldier I am."
"Mhm if you're that brave..helping shouldn't be an issue."

"Fine!" He scoffs, "Alex..wanna help me?"
"Not really mate."
"Okay let me rephrase, Alex you're helping me, it's the least you can do after nearly giving me a black eye!"
"God you're dramatic." He smirks, "And alright but only because you're being a baby."
"Am not!" George hisses, charging at him.

"James, you too."
"Mate..I don't even wanna be here!"
"We know, trust me. But seeing as you've complained so much about it, how about you help us get ready to leave!"
"Someone's bossy."
"Well I wouldn't have to be if you'd just list-"

"Frase calm down, we've got ages." Will lobs a stick in his direction.
"And we need to start now!" He snaps, "It'll be dark soon."
The group stare at him blankly,
"So?" George detaches himself from Alex.
"Ever heard of a torch?" Stephen questions bluntly.

"You lot are genuinely hopeless, who's stupid idea was it to come here?"
"Um..yours?" Aria soothes.

After listening to Fraser and James ramble on about the lack of help they're receiving for what feels like the 50th time, Mia decides to round everyone up.

"Everybody listen." She scolds.
"Will stop texting Stephen when he's not even a metre away! Go with James to take all the tents down.
Zac and Callum, load the van with everyone's things.
Aria, Ste you can get started on dinner and Fraser, help me make a pile of all the camping gear.
Now are you guys capable of that? Or do you need to use a lifeline?"
The group just nod and make their way to the assigned tasks.

"As for you Alex and George." She grins, "stop flirting, there's a campfire to light."
A large blush stains their cheeks as they head over to a stack of sticks.
"And when you're done.." they turn to face her, "get started on the washing up, would you?"

"I take it back Fraser." James snorts, "It's Mia that's the bossy one."
"Hey, you leave her alone!" Will defends, grabbing a nearby spatula.
"Oh and if you haven't packed yet, do so!" She adds, trudging over to the peg bag.

Once all the gear is packed up, Stephen and Aria begin handing out the burgers.
They're an interesting shade of cooked but no one seems to care, all falling asleep anyway.

"Right." Zac starts, "I'm bored, Alex, tell us an embarrassing story."
"Huh? Why me?"
"'re embarrassing."
"Wow, cheers mate." He laughs.
"He has a point." George grins, coughing as Alex whacks him.

"Why don't we all tell one?" James suggests.
"Sure." Mia replies, "Will should have a few."
"Excuse me?"

"Okay I'll start." Stephen pipes up,
"One time when I was six, I mistook a condom for a-"
"Anddd that's enough of that." Aria croaks.

"Two truths one lie?" Fraser proposes.
The group nod.
"We should make it into a video." Callum offers.
"Yes but with a twist." Zac voices.
"Go on?" Mia raises an eyebrow.
"So we all do it, only we're reading them for another person, that way it's easier to bluff."
"Ooh I like that!" Alex smiles, getting up a randomiser to choose teams.

After a few minutes, the pairs have been decided:
James and Mia, Aria and Callum, Stephen and Alex, George and Will, Fraser and Zac.

Its been half an hour and the game's in full swing, setting aside the minor set backs; the camera cutting out and James nearly landing in the fire pit, it's all going relatively well.

And it was going to remain that way-well-for everyone except George.
His turn is coming up and little does he know Will is about to reveal something he definitely isn't ready for.

"Right so we're in agreement?" He quickly whispers to his partner, "the lie is that I fell off the roof when I was ten and the truths are that I once nearly drowned on holiday and when I was in year 9, I fell asleep in assembly."
Will nods, well aware that he's going to switch things up.

"Okay..George you ready?" Aria turns to face him, gaining a nod.
"So." Will begins,
"When he was ten he fell off the roof, he has feelings for Alex and he once nearly drowned on holiday."
"Wait what?" George's face is a bright red, his vision now blurry.
"You okay?" Zac queries, noticing the worry lingering on his face.
"Yeah, fine." He gives a weak grin, glaring at Will.

"What the f**k mate?"
He refuses to answer.
"Will this isn't funny, I'm not jokin-"
"Relax alright, I know what I'm doing."
He feels hot and out of place, desperate to get away from the group.
"George are you sure you're alright?" Mia turns to him, "it's just a joke, isn't it?"
He gulps in response, sweating profusely.

"Who's guessing first then?" Callum looks up.
"Shall we just keep going around?" Stephen renders.
The group nod in agreement.

Turning to Alex, Stephen notices his own static features,
"Mate, you're redder than George." he giggles, earning himself a punch in the ribs.

The pairs all discuss which they think is a lie and which they think are the truths.

Fraser and Zac agree that him falling off the roof and nearly drowning are the truths and out of respect for George, claim him having feelings for Alex is the lie however neither are convinced.
James and Mia take the same route however Callum and Aria believe otherwise.
"I'm sorry George but I think you liking Alex would make perfect sense, you guys flirt all the time." He winks.
It's supposed to come off as a joke but George looks as if he's going to be sick.

"Makes sense." Will laughs.
"What about you's?" He focuses his attention on Alex and Stephen.
"Well." Stephen starts, "I too think that George has feelings for Alex because I'm almost certain he feels the same way."
Both boys don't dare make eye contact, wishing the ground would swallow them up any minute.
"But Alex is oblivious and doesn't think George I guess we're going to have to copy James and Mia."

"Interesting." Will comments, almost feeling bad after seeing George's face.

In an attempt to break the awkwardness, James turns to face the circle,
"Guess you could say there's a lot of sexual TENTsion.."
Callum laughs but George isn't as amused,
"Shut the f**k up James, I will clobber you."

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