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As today's Halloween, I wanted to base a fic around it.
I know that lockdown's ruined the fun (parties etc.) But I hope you're all having a good day/night regardless x

After tweeting out asking for video suggestions, the boys sigh as they read through them.
"We can't do half of these." Alex groans through the discord call.
"What abou-"
"No James." Will interrupts, "we're not doing another 'Eboys Bet On Chess'."
"Ha-ha." He sarks, "I was going to say we could calve pumpkins. Seeing as it's going up on Halloween."
"Oh my god James!" George claps, "for once you've actually had a good idea!"
James flips him off in response.

"Okay it is good but Halloween's tomorrow. Where are we getting pumpkins this late?" Will ponders.
"Alex and I can go now if you want? There's a Sainsbury's not far." George suggests.
"You guys cool with that?"
"Sure." Alex stands up, "I need batteries anyway."
George grabs his shoes, "right, see you guys later."
"You know only one of you has to go right?" James remarks.
"Nah..Alex will get lost on his own."
"Me? Mate you literally phoned me last week to ask where the bread aisle was."
"Mhm that's what you think. I was actually just calling to make sure you were still alive. Can't have you burning the house down while I'm away."
"Awh. Didn't realise you cared so much." He mocks, putting a hand over his heart.
"Shut up. You know I only respect your presence because it makes rent cheaper."
"Mhm. Not what you were saying last ni-"
"Okay bye guys." George intervenes, abruptly ending the call.

"What was that all about?" Will asks James.
"No clue man. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Hmm." Will mumbles, "guess we'll have to see later."
James just nods, "bye mate."
And a hue of black appears across their laptop screens. 

"Alex." George states, watching as he ties his laces.
"What?" He looks up.
"'Not what you were saying last night' are you trying to out us?"
"Sorry." Alex turns away embarrassed, "sometimes I forget they don't know." He sighs, heading for the door.
Aware of his drop in tone, George reaches for his hand,
"Babe, you good? I'm not actually annoyed, you know that right?"
"I know." He gives a weak grin. "Let's go, yeah?" He changes the subject.
"Yeah." George agrees, still certain something's wrong.

And he would be correct.
Alex loves George to pieces, don't get him wrong. That boy is his everything.
But that's why he struggles sometimes, knowing he can't be affectionate towards him, not in-front of their friends.
He understands that George isn't ready though, happily keeping it under wraps.

It's not that he doesn't enjoy their frequent escapades-the stolen kisses they endure at parties, having wandered off to the bathroom together.
The secret glances they share from across the room, intrigued as to who can get the other het up first.
All of this alongside what goes on mid recording sessions.

However he can't help wanting to show him off, wanting everyone to know what's his.
He wants to hold George's hand in public, to make flirty jokes with him on camera.
He wants people to know he's in love with this man and that he most certainly isn't available.

However he knows that can't happen.
George isn't ready and he'll just have to accept it.

Skipping into Sainsbury's, Alex slides on his mask, the candy apples he can see in the entrance have lifted his mood.
"Alex slow down!" George giggles, racing after him.
He lets out a thrilled gasp, detecting the Halloween aisle.
"You know it's not going anywhere, right?" George laughs again.

Alex ignores him, wandering over with two pumpkins.
"These good enough for James and Will?"
George nods, heaving them into the trolley.

"Come pick one out for yourself!" He shouts from the other end.
"You can choose for me!" George grins, conscious of how happy Halloween makes him. Some may perceive it as childish but he finds it endearing.

George x Alex One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora