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Placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, Alex follows suit as George leads the way into the restaurant.
Its been raining all day, the ground littered in large puddles.

Realising how early they are, the pair decide to que up, saving a spot for everyone else.

"There's a table free over there." Alex gestures as they saunter over.

A waitress smiles over at them before heading over with a set of menus.
"Have a nice evening boys." She grins,
"You make a really cute couple by the way!"
Her words make Alex's stomach churn, a fierce blush covering his cheeks.
He turns to George who's face is as red as the roses in the vase between them.

"Oh we're not.." He trails off with an embarrassed giggle.
"Well you might as well be!" Will comes up behind them, him and James laughing hysterically at the prior misunderstanding.
The pair are now blushing violently, glad that it's dark.
"Why are you guys over here?" Will questions.
"Rather we left you alone?" Mia jokes with a wink.
Laughter follows as Alex sinks deeper in his seat.
"We were early.." George argues, "figured we'd grab a pint while we waited."
"Sure, sure." Will smirks, Alex burying his face in his hands.

Once the group have finished teasing them, the two take it upon themselves to join the others in a booth.

Shifting over, Alex notices a new face among the bunch.
They haven't met before, he supposes she's one of Mia's friends.

She's wearing diamond earrings and her crystal blue eyes shine brightly in the candle light.
He doesn't like the look of her at all.

Jealousy swarms in the pit of his stomach and he swallows lightly.
She is definitely George's type and suddenly he very much wishes they'd stayed put.

"Hey Al." Laurence smiles at him from across the table.
"Hey." Alex sighs and he raises an eyebrow, clearly aware that something's up.
"This is Morgan guys." Mia introduces her, "And that's Lizzie and Nadine." She points to the twins squashed beside Callum and Zac.
"Hi." Alex waves, waiting for George to take an interest but to his surprise, nothing happens.

In-fact he barely gives them a second glance, it's as if he doesn't care at all.
Alex is confused, of course George said hi, he isn't rude but it was unlike him to completely pass up a conversation with a group of girls.

He is however still staring at Alex, yet to break eye contact.

Morgan flings her hair over her shoulder, unhappy with the lack of heed she's receiving.
"So George, you're a YouTuber?" She ponders.
"Mhm." He inhales, "you?"
"Eh nothing really." She leans closer,
"You heard of Calvin Klein?"
He nods.
"Yeah, I model for them."
Alex rolls his eyes, of course she does.

"Ah cool." George remarks, turning back to Alex.
"I came down from Leeds last week..Mia said the night clubs are better in London." She states, still attempting to attract his attention, he just nods and continues to block her.

Witnessing this, she tries a different technique.
"Nah mate yo-"
"Alex?" She calls, interrupting his discussion with James.
He spins around to face her,
"You don't have to be so scared, I don't bite." She giggles, grinning over at George.
He gives a cumbersome smile, feeling slightly sick as she bats her eyelids in his direction.
"So, how do you guys know Mia?"
Playing with his napkin, George jumps in fright as she attempts to touch his hand.

"You ok? You seem nervous."
"I'-m fin-e." He stammers, overwhelmed.
"What's the matter? Never had a girl take an interest in you before?"
He shakes his head.
"Well I'm sure that isn't tr-"

George x Alex One Shots Where stories live. Discover now