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Sorry this has taken so long to go up, I've been rly busy this week.
Hope everyone's doing okay x


"So much for this working." Will bites his lip,
"I'm sorry man." He buries his face in his hands.
"Why?" James shuffles closer.
"Because it's my fault, it was my idea. I dragged you into it, I always do."
"Hey, no! You meant well okay? He'll realise that when he's calmed down. But we were wrong. They're definitely not ready to see each other."
"Maybe he's not.." a voice appears from behind them and they jump.
"Ye-um..I'm gonna head home."
"Mate don-" but he's already staggering out of the bar.

Will and James stay for a bit longer, playing a few arcade games. They're aware it's no use messaging Alex with the state he's in.

Ambling back to his apartment, George breaks down.
He stumbles into the kitchen, trying to catch his breath.
"I'm such a f*****g idiot!" He glares at himself in the mirror, "Why didn't I fight for him?..I could've fought for him!"
Slamming his keys on the counter, George flops down by the fridge, tears emitting his blood shot eyes.
'Why did I end the best thing that ever happened to me?'

Of course he knew why..

George had been dating Alex for a few months and Will was right, they were happy.
Well-up until that stupid drunken night.

It's a few months ago and the group are out clubbing as per-James downing shots whilst George and Alex dance around like idiots.

It's just gone midnight and Will and James have left, leaving Alex and George with the others.

They continue dancing until George's feet start to hurt and he takes a break.
"Al I'm gonna go get another beer, you want anything?"
He shakes his head, taking a seat next to Cam and Fraser. George leaves him there before joining the que that's stretching around the toilets.

George pays for his drink, making his way back to their table.
"Oi watch it!" A tall body builder groans, his friends shooting around to see.
"S-sorry." George rushes away, giggling as he trips over his own feet.

Everything appears fine at first, his mates still dancing, some chatting-or in Zac and Becky's case, seeing who can down their jug of Pimm's the quickest.

But then he sees it and his jaw drops.
He spots his boyfriend, in the distance, pinned up against the wall- a short, brunette girl grinding up against him, preparing to leave marks all up his neck.

George tries to calm himself down, 'it might not be him.' And heads over to get a better view.
He grimaces, staggering past a set of road men and nearing closer to Alex.
Gripping onto his beer, his eyes grow wide.

Alex notices him, trying to gain his attention,
"Save it!" George yells, chucking his bottle on the floor as he wipes away the now free-falling tears.

George sprints away from the bar, Becky following suit as Callum makes his way over to a hysterical Alex,
"Mate what the f**k?"
"It's not what it looks like!" Alex spews.
Callum raises an eyebrow,
"Cal-sh-she came over..I didn't." He tries to gain his balance,
"She started grinding on me! I asked her to s-stop but she wouldn't. Her grip, was so tight!" Alex is talking so quick Callum can barely make it out,
"I tried to get her off, of course I did! But she's a girl and't hurt he-" he rambles out between sobs.

Callum takes his hand,
"Hey, hey. Al breathe."
"HE THINKS I F*****G CHEATED CALLUM!" Alex screeches, flopping down against the table.
"But did you?"
"Exactly." He assures calmly, "you know you didn't and I know you didn't. It's going to be fine, you can talk to him tomor-"
"I can't lose him!" Alex gets up, swishing harshly across the carpet.
"Alex sit back down!" Callum scolds, aware of his tipsy state.
"No. I need to find George."

George x Alex One Shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant