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3k reads? Thank you so much guys 🥰 it genuinely means a lot.
I uploaded the first chapter of my  Commentary Crew book yesterday so feel free to check it out and please let me know if there's any other ships you want me to include x

It's Christmas Eve and George is spending it staring at the clock, his eyes struggling to stay open.
Alex is arriving home soon and as much as he'd like to deny it-he can't wait.

He's been staying with his parents' for the past week, exchanging gifts and catching up with old friends.

The other Eboys are aware that George has been missing Alex and have spent the entirety of the last few days teasing him for it.

George reaches for his phone, deciding to call Will to pass the time.
Surprisingly, he picks up on the first ring;
"Hi mate."
"Uh-hi man. I'm a bit busy right now." He laughs, "what's up?"
Will puts George on speaker, kicking the ladder away from his feet.
"Ah my bad, was just bored innit."
"Mhm." He smirks, "nothing to do with a certain someone not being there?"
"Shut up!"
Will lets out a loud cackle before ending the call.

George sighs and pulls the blanket up, attempting to find a Netflix show he hasn't seen.
He's still fairly cold so he grabs another beer before changing into his pyjamas.
Slumping back under the cover, he's hit with a gust of heat. It's just been in the dryer so it's warmer than usual.

George can barely keep still, the thought of seeing Alex fresh in his mind.
He tucks his head into a pillow, fighting the urge to sleep.
His eyes are bloodshot due to the lack of rest he's been getting recently. Alex not being next to him makes it somewhat difficult.

He's desperate to stay awake but his eyes appear to have different plans, they're just staring to flutter shut, hi-
George's jerked out of this state at the familiar sound of keys jangling in the door-and all of a sudden, he's very much awake.
He props himself up on his elbows, eyes fixated across the room in exhilaration.

And there he is. The boy he's been pining for.

Alex drops his bags in the hall and George races over, embracing him in a tight hug.
"Jesus Christ Al, you're freezing!" He remarks.
Alex nods slowly,
"C-can't breathe Ge-"
"Oh sorry." He steps away, admiring his languid features.
"I've missed you." Alex grins, drawing him into a kiss.
"I've missed you too." George pouts, leading him over to the sofa.

"Whatcha' watchin'?" Alex scans the screen.
"No clue." George grins, unable stop looking at him.
"Wow." Alex chuckles, "You really have missed me." And George wraps his arms around him as he sits in his lap.
"Hm." He responds, brushing his hands through his hair.
Alex kisses him on the cheek before standing up, causing George to groan at the loss of warmth.
"I'll be back in a second." Alex coos, "let me get changed, then we can cuddle and go to sleep."
George smiles at this, laying back down on the sofa.

Alex wanders out of his room, clad in one of George's hoodies, his hair still messy from the rain.

He trudges over to George, laying on top of him and intertwining their hands.
They lock eyes under the flickering fairy lights and George presses a soft kiss to Alex's lips. This catches him off guard but he soon returns the gesture, linking his arms around his neck as George's rest firmly on his waist.

Alex is growing tired so George carries him to their bedroom.
He buries his face in George's t-shirt, their feet tangling together under the soft throw.
George weaves his hands through Alex's hair once again, watching in awe as he sinks deeper into his hold. 

George is soon awoken to the winter sunshine streaking in under the blinds.
Alex stirs in his arms before sitting up and rubbing his eyes with a yawn.
"Mornin' sleepyhead." George giggles.
He smiles, his face lighting up as he realises what day it is.
"GEORGE!" He practically screams, toppling over on the bed.
George groans, rubbing his ear.
"Yes Al?"
"It's Christmas!" Alex yells, shaking him excitedly.
George rolls his eyes before laughing,
"God, you're such a child."
Alex punches him lightly before standing up. He wafts the covers about, attempting to let in as much cold air as possible.
George shivers, grabbing at Alex's wrists in retaliation- but he quickly releases himself from his grip.
"Last to the living room has to cook us breakfast!" He chuckles, whirling his way down the corridor.
"Hey, that's not fair!" George sulks, lulling behind him.

He makes it to the living room, Alex already under the tree.
"Guess you're cooking the breakfast then." He gives a smug grin.
"Guess I am." George shakes his head, tickling under his neck.
Alex giggles, squirming out of reach.
They stay frozen for a while, both candidly captivated by the others beauty.
George blushes and looks away, snapping them back into reality.

"" He queries, removing himself from his position on Alex's thigh.
Alex nods in response,
"Me first!" And he skids to the other side of the room.
"It wouldn't fit under the tree." He admits, dragging over a large package.
"Oh my god Al." George leers, "it's huge!"
Alex chortles, lifting it into his arms.

Bowling over with elation, a beam creeps its way onto George's face as he undoes more and more of the wrapping paper.
Before long, the box comes into show and his jaw drops.
It's a Star Wars VR set.
"I-Alex this is sick!" He cries, jumping back into his arms.
"I love you!" George ruffles his hair, "Thank you so much."
"No problem." Alex grins, embracing him further.

George hands him a present this time, it's a small box decorated in silver tissue paper.
Alex removes the bow, letting out a high pitched "NO WAY!" When he notices what's inside.
"You like it?" George smirks.
"George, I love it!" And he goes in for a hug.
He puts it on immediately-it's a blue and white Gucci necklace.

They exchange a few more gifts, laughing and joking at some of the more questionable in the pile.
And now it's time for the present that George is the most nervous for,

"I'm gonna need to blindfold you for this one." He chuckles, lacing a tie around Alex's head.
George reaches behind the sofa, revealing a small, leather box.
Inside there's a beautiful silver ring, it has a thick outer edge and a mini quartz lies ideally in the middle.

He bites his lip, it's now or never;

Kneeling down in front of him, George unfastens his blindfold with shaky hands.
Alex gasps instantly, his face glowing a deep red,
"Alex Elmslie." George begins,
"We have been dating for two years now, having been friends for the past four.
And while our relationship is nothing short of perfect-I can't help but feel that there's something missing.
There is not a day that goes by where you're not on my mind-I uh-guess that's s-something that hasn't changed."
He stumbles, the words caught in his throat.
Alex squeezes his hand through the nerves, persuading him to continue. George coughs, shaking his head,
"In fact there isn't a single moment of my life that I wouldn't rather spend by your side.
You're so indefinitely perfect and I love you so, so much.
Alex you mean the world to me..and what I mean by that, is that there is literally nothing I wouldn't do for you.
I am beyond lucky to get to call you my boyfriend. So imagine how lucky I'd be..if I got to call you my husband.
You're without a doubt the best thing that's ever happened to me and I am well aware that you're the person I want to spend my life with-because I've never felt this way about anyone before-heck, I was straight.. before!"
He laughs at this,
"And I know, that I am ready to take us to the next stage.
But it takes two to make that decision, so what do you say?" George wipes a stray tear from below his eye, "Alex..will you marry me?"

He doesn't even need to respond, the series of inaudible noises laced with violent nodding tells George everything he needs to know.

It's currently 2am and I just wanted to say, MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!
I know lockdown has caused a lot of distress this year because 2020 sucks and Boris Johnson is a complete moron. But I hope you all have an amazing day regardless and spend it surrounded by lots of food and the people you love.
And if you are spending it alone, I'm sorry and I hope you find a way to enjoy it nonetheless.
Have a lovely Christmas and New Year all of you. Here's to 2021❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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