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"They're gonna regret this in the morning." James states with a sigh.
"What do you mean?" Will turns around, accidentally crashing into Fraser.
James gestures over to the sofa where Alex is perched on George's lap.

The trio observe as George shuffles over, making it so he's hovering above Alex's waist. Neither are sober enough to care that they have an audience.

"Why will they regret it?" Fraser queries, taking a swig of his drink.
"Well..I s'pose George might not."
James bites his lip. He should not have said that.
"Huh? What're you on about?"
"Er..nothing mate. I'm gonna go get another beer."
Fraser's having none of it and drags him away from the swarm of people.
"Right, what's going on?"
"Nothing man. I swear..I don't know why I-"
"James." Fraser laughs, "you're a terrible liar. Now spill."

"Alright fine." He huffs,
"But if I tell you this, you have to swear you won't say a thing!"
Fraser just nods, waiting for him to continue. "Well erm..Ge-George has feelings for Alex."
James squints his eyes, praying Fraser's caught it over the noise. (And that he's the only one).

Fraser looks dumbfounded for a moment before shrugging,
"So what?"
"Huh? He has feeli-"
"No I heard. I just don't see the problem."
"The problem is that Alex is going to lead him on. If you haven't noticed, they've been going at it for half the party!"
"Yeah..but who says Alex doesn't feel the same?"

"Wait what?"
"I'm just saying." Fraser remarks, "You know Alex, he wouldn't make out with him otherwise."
"That's true bu-"
"James I get that you're looking out for George but leave it, yeah? They're grown men..well..maybe not fully grown but still. They can figure it out by themselves."

James jostles a little, playing with his fingers,
"I..George has never liked someone this much befo-"
"George is an adult James. So is Alex. They don't need us to dictate what they should and shouldn't be doing."
"I guess you're right. Sorry man. I just don't want to see him get hurt."
"I know you don't and you're a good friend. But George knows what he's getting into by letting it happen. All we can really let it."
James nods, making his way back to the sofa but to his surprise, Alex and George are no longer there.

With nothing else to do, he circles the apartment in search of them.

As he rounds the entrance of the stairs for the seventh time, he bumps into Will.
"Hey." He grins, "what are you doing?"
Will raises an eyebrow.
"Okay fine, I'm looking for Alex and George."
"Mate. Why are you so obsessed with them?"
James just glares at him until he realises.

George had told them about his feelings almost a year back, when Alex was away.
He was very plastered at the time and they decided not to mention it the next day, figuring it'd only embarrass him.

"Oh s**t!"
"Well done." James claps.
"You think Alex will lead him on?"
"I don't know." He states, "that's why I'm trying to find them."
"Right come with me, I passed them in the bathroom not long ago."

Following him up the stairs, James almost feels guilty about spying.
They knock on the bathroom door but no one's inside so they head out to the garden.
"Cam!" Will shouts, gesturing him and Brian over.
"Either of you's seen George?" They shake their heads.
"Haven't seen him either mate." Cam offers, "I did see Stephen attempting to pole dance though." He laughs, going over to down some shots with Becky.

"Okay that's odd." Will turns to James.
"I mean it's Stephen..what do you expect?"
"No you knob, I'm talking about Alex and George. Where the f**k are they?"
They continue exploring Will's apartment but it's no use.
So far all they've witnessed is Mia helping Harry do a backflip, Callum breaking a glass and Stephen nearly breaking his leg.

George x Alex One Shots Where stories live. Discover now