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"Just stop it! Please.."
Will blinks, stunned at George's outburst, 'why is he being so defensive?'
"Look, I'm sorry for lashing out." He breathes, "but I really don't want to talk about it."
"It's fine." Will shrugs, easing him into the question.
"I don't get it though..why are you so afraid to upload?"
George doesn't answer, continuing to observe the mount of DVDs.
"Oh.." Will makes the connection, "it's him, isn't it?"
Once again George doesn't respond, sniffling a bit as he turns away.
"I'm gonna go. Call me tomorrow if you still need help."
"George wai-"
But before Will can finish, he's already legging it down the busy road.

George and Alex's breakup didn't exactly end on mutual terms and Will is yet to understand why.
Whenever him or James ask the two- they simply change the subject or make some scrupulous reason to leave, Will's favourite being, "I can't stay, my mums locked her keys in the bathtub."

It doesn't make any sense.
From the sidelines, you'd assume their relationship was going great.
They were still filming together, streaming video games, hanging out everyday..the usual.
And then one day it all stopped;
Will had come over to their flat, merely hoping to record but the only one there was Alex.

He presumed George had gone out, no biggie right? Well apparently not.
He entered their shared bedroom to find Alex sliding down the wall, hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
He refused to say what had happened, instead telling Will to go and locking himself away completely.

Will deemed it fair at the time, he was unaware of the circumstances and Alex clearly needed space.
But it was nearing three months now, 'what was so terrible that meant them never speaking again?'
They were best friends before they got together, you'd think they'd want closure at most.

Will had genuinely invited George to town because he needed help choosing a birthday present for James. Finding out about him and Alex was simply a side reason..
It had been long enough, he thought George might finally be less concealed about it all.
Clearly not.

It's been a few months since and Will and James are growing agitated.
They're desperate for a night out but if they invite George they can't invite Alex and vice versa.
The pair have been digging and digging but are yet to piece any information together.

They've had enough, they're going to get them to communicate whether they like it or not.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" James queries down the phone. "I mean..there's obviously a reason they don't want to talk."
"Ew..when did you get so mature?"
James shrugs, "whe-"
"That was rhetorical." Will huffs, "I'm being serious mate. They're clearly unhappy."
James ponders for a second,
"I me-"
"Don't you miss the Eboys?" Will interrupts,
"and I'm not just talking about the channel. I mean us, the group, hanging out together."
"..Yes of course. But there's nothing we can do. They literally aren't speaking to each other."
"We're their best mates James, surely it's our job to change that?"
James sighs,
"I hate it when you're right."
"So does this mean?.."
"Fine." He groans, "meet me at Canary Wharf in five minutes."
"Yes!" Will cheers, "thank you man."

It's a good twenty minutes before James actually arrives.
"Why're you so late?" Will moans, frozen from standing still for so long.
"You're lucky I turned up!" He scolds, leading him into the building.
"Right." James raises an eyebrow, "what's your genius idea then?"
"Well Mr Marriott, I'm glad you ask-"
"Just get on with it."
"Okay, okay. It's pretty simple really, we just invite them both out and don't tell them about each other."
"Don't you think they'll ask?"
Will scoffs, "it's called lying.."
"And don't you think they'll go ballistic when they find out you've lied?"
"Well yeah duh. But it's not just me, you're lying too."
"Oh for f**k sake. Why do I always get dragged into your stupid antics?"
"Because..that's what friends are for." He grins.

George x Alex One Shots Where stories live. Discover now