Camping Trip~Pt.2

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George shivers anxiously, the icy feeling of the night engulfing him.
He doesn't understand why Will has done this to him and he isn't too keen on sticking around to find out.

"The fire's dying out." Alex mutters, hoping to change the subject.
"Bit like your channel." Callum remarks with a grin.
Alex shakes his head with a laugh, getting up to search for sticks.

"Right. Which is the lie then?" Stephen asks, "this has been going on forever."
"George? You want to answer that?" Will peers over his shoulder.
George just glares in response, his face a pasty white.
"You're an a**hole." He mumbles, turning his back to the group.
"George I didn't me-"

"Are you okay?" Aria questions, noticing his stressed state.
"I'm..I need a drink." He stomps away to the shelter behind them, ignoring the concerned looks he's receiving.
"Um-keep on playing guys, I'm gonna go check on him." Will announces before wandering off.

Entering the hut, Will sighs at the sight of his friend.
He's frantically pacing the room, cheeks burning in rage and embarrassment.
"Mate.." Will addresses slowly. "I'm really sor-
"Go away." He snaps, head thumping.
"George I-"
"Will I don't care. Please just leave me alone." He shuffles to sit on the counter.

"There's a reason I said what I did though.."
"It doesn't matter. You know how I feel about him. Why would you do that to me?"
He doesn't give Will the chance to respond, continuing angrily,
"If I tell you something in private, guess what? It means that it's personal." He stares at the floor, "if I wanted everybody knowing, I'd have tweeted it."

Gritting his teeth, he turns to face him.
"I haven't told them my sexuality yet." He points outside,
"More importantly-I still don't understand it myself!"

Will feels terrible, he hadn't thought of it like that.
From his perspective, he was doing him a favour, seeing as it's quite obvious that the feeling's mutual.

"I know mate, I know. It was stupid and I shouldn't have intervened, it's ju-"
"You're right." George cuts him off, "you shouldn't have. Now go away."

Defeated, he heads back to the campfire.
"Is he okay?" Alex voices.
"He'll be alright." Will huffs, "Just maybe not with me for a while."
"I don't get it?" Alex raises an eyebrow, "why is he upset? It was only a jok-what?" James and Will are now staring at him, hinting at something apparent.

"Al.." James breathes, "do you really not get it?"
"No..? And do enlighten me..because he's clearly hurt."
"You know that thing you told me..a month or so ago?" James moves to face him directly.
Alex nods in response,
"What did you tell him?" Will interjects, just as baffled.
"I would say but it's not as if you're very good at keeping secrets." James states, earning himself an eye roll.

"Anyway yeah, so that's why George is embarrassed."
"Wait..he's embarrassed?"
"Oh my." James facepalms.
"Okay this is dumb, I'm gonna go ask hi-"
"No Alex don't!" Will responds.
"What? Why?"
"He wants to be alone right no-"
"It's been ten minutes, I'm going to s-"
Will grabs his arm, pulling him back to the log.
"Fine but please don't ask him why he's upset." He remarks, heading over to Zac.

At this point Alex is beyond lost so James decides to fill in the blanks.
"Mate..George feels the same way."
"What? No he doesn't?"
"Yes he does."
"How do you know?"
"Will and I communicate, alright?" He giggles. "Now go and talk to him!"
"Wait, wait,'s why he ran off?"
James nods, "and why he's annoyed at Will, if you've been keeping up."
Alex elbows him.
"You deserved that."
"Whatever..go and talk to him!"
"Fine." Alex grins, "I don't believe you though."

James moves to sit with Aria meanwhile Alex makes his way to the hut.
George is sat with his head in his hands, booking what appears to be an Uber.

"Hey." Alex whispers, leaning on the door frame.
"A-Alex." He jumps. "What're you doing here?"
"Came to see if you're okay, you seemed pretty annoyed."
"I am." He nods his head, "but more so..I'm sorry."
"Well I mean..I'm sure you hate me now.."
"Hate you? Why the f**k would I hate you?"

"Wait're fine..with this?" George swerves his head.
Alex bites his lip, a befuddled expression contouring his features.
"I just don't want to lose you. Like I get it..I've made everything awkward and you probably want to move out or something.
But that's why I didn't tell you."
Alex scans his frame, still very much perplexed.
"Tell me?.."

"I was hoping you'd never find out..that one day I'd move on and it would all be fine.
But then Will decided to announce it and I didn't know what to do.
I wasn't ready..I'm still not ready."
"I just hope I haven't completely ruined our friendship. I mean..I haven't even fully accepted who I am ye-"
"I am well aware that you don't feel the same you don't need to worry abo-"
And then it clicked. Alex finally understood what James was trying to say.

"I promise I can work on it, on getting rid o-"
"Who said that?" Alex interrupts.
The muffled rambling fades to a stand still,
"Said what?"
"That I don't feel the same?" He takes a step forwards.
" don-"
"Don't I?"
"Do I not feel the same?" He studies George for a second.
"I uh-"
"Because the last time I checked..pretty sure I do.."

And with that, Alex leans in.
Wrapping his arms around his torso, he pulls him closer.

George is hesitant at first, shocked that this is actually happening.
However soon enough, he returns the gesture, resting his hands on Alex's waist.
He deepens it slightly, shoving him against the wall.
"Mhm." Alex mumbles into the kiss, George smiles against his lips as he thrusts himself further into him.

Alex takes George's right hand in his own, the left drifting through his hair.
He observes in amusement, George emitting  a soft grunt under his grip.

Making his way up Alex's jawline, George decides to trail a line of hickey's, each one larger than the previous.
He winces a little, settling into the touch. Butterflies swirl in his stomach, his breath hitching as George draws him even closer.

Alex has him propped against the wall this time, balancing himself unnecessarily about his crotch.
The pair find themselves growing exceedingly intimate when suddenly,
"Guys we-oh sorr-" James blushes at the sight.
The two break apart for a second, both incredibly sheepish.

"Hi James." Alex chuckles, "we were er-"
"I know what you were doing." He smiles, "I'm happy for you guys. Do you have any idea how long we've been trying to get you together?"
The couple stare at each other, goofy grins occupying their features.

"But maybe next time-"
"Geor-" Will appears as if on que, "Uh-hi James..Alex."
George actually acknowledges him this time,
"Hey Will."
"I-hi." Will seems surprised, "I want to apologise again..I really am sorr-"
"Mate it's fine." He grins.

"Wait don't hate me?"
"Definitely not." He smirks, trailing off hand in hand with Alex to the bathroom.
"..No way..ARE THEY?"
James nods in excitement,
"S'pose they didn't need our help after all."

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading so far, I hope you're enjoying it.
Was just wondering if anyone would be interested in me making a Commentary Crew Book? (It would be a High School AU)
Thank you :)

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