Not The Same

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Alex rocks back and forth on his bedroom carpet, frightful sounds escaping his mouth.
He tries to focus on his breathing but it's no use. Hot tears start to stream down his now very pale face.

James hears this from the other room and rushes to his side.
"Alex..Alex breathe." He comforts, Alex pushing him away.
Slightly taken aback, he shakes it off-understanding that he's hurting.

"Talk to me Al, what's the matter?"
There's silence for a few seconds, Alex still trying to breathe.
James slides down next to him, "it's oka-"
"HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" Alex interrupts, tugging violently at his hair.

James knows exactly what this is.
Ever since George had passed away, this happened every few months.
Obviously the others found it incredibly difficult too, he was their best friend but Alex had taken it particularly hard, still unable to process it.

His teeth clatter as he shrieks, speech  inaudible.
"He's meant to be here..WHY ISN'T HE HERE?!" He inhales deeply before wincing.

James pulls his phone out, messaging Will to get here as soon as possible.

He tries to calm him as best he can but it just makes things worse. Alex rams his head into his pillow as he shakes.

Bursting through the front door, Will legs it downstairs, knowing it has to be serious.

"Hey, hey. Al look at me." Will instructs, Alex still shaking.
"You're this."

Knowing this usually helps, he puts on an old YouTube video,
'The Annoying Orange Has Evolved.'
Something George and Alex had filmed for his main channel.

It appears to be working, Alex smiling as he watches.
This is short lived however and the happiness quickly turns into quiet sobs.

Alex meets their gaze, "I just miss him so much." He sighs, a sodden mess.
"I know..we all do." Will hugs him.
"He misses you too." James adds, walking over to the door frame.

"Alex?" James questions.
He looks up, "when was the last time you went into his room?"
Alex shrugs, "not since the day it happened."
He shivers at the thought, he still remembers the phone call, how could he not?

The vivid memory comes flooding back...

"Hello?" Alex picks up the phone, having just finished a Twitch stream.
"Alex, is that you?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"It's George's sister.."
"Oh. Why do you have his phone?" He stands up, knowing this can't be good.
"Alex..I'm afraid we have some bad news." She chokes back a sob, his heart racing.
"What is it? Is he okay?" Alex manages out, his face crumpling.
Alex doesn't move, his hands now very clammy.
"Alex h-he..George..I-I'm sorry." She wavers, unable to finish the sentence.

The phone is passed to someone else and Alex is trying his hardest not to freak out.
"Hello Alex." George's dad speaks softly, an evident drop in his tone.
"Where is he? I don't understan-"
"G..George has been hit by a happened earlier today."
"What? When?" He chokes, eyes watering.
"Around four..they don't think he's going to make it."
"Why not?.."
"He's been seriously injured.. there's cuts all up his chest, his throat was sliced op-"
He can barely talk, a nurse's voice now audible in the background.
"I-I'm. Get here as soon as you can okay?"
Alex nods, forgetting he can't be seen.
Ending the call, he swallows, phoning Will as he grabs his keys.

He picks up on the third ring.
"Hi ma-"
"Will I- George ha..can you come get me?" His voice is laced with fear, something Will notices instantly.
"Yeah sure, what's happ-"
"I'll explain when you get here..jus- please hurry!" Tears are threatening to fall but he refuses to cave.
He has to stay strong for George.

George x Alex One Shots Where stories live. Discover now