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Ivan walked back into the room and to his surprise Fera was standing up uninjured while Echo laid on the ground knocked out. He rushed over to Echo examining her. "She healed you?? Why did you-"

"She was panicking. She would have passed out either way. At least this way I can wake her up whenever." Fera shrugged glancing down at her. Ivan sighed picking echo up bridal style. "How'd she do it?" He asked curiously. "Her blood.." Fera said pointing to her hand which was cut, the blood clotting up.

He rose a brow in amusement. Earlier when he had bit her he taken some blood. He had weirdly felt rejuvenated. That said it all. That meant Echo really was the one.. He sighed shaking hs head. "Gather the pack." he ordered Fera. She nods and without hesitation she set out.

Ivan looked down at her resting  face, a face he studied. strangely though he knew her, he knew her likes, dislikes, the people around her, her fears, he knew it all. yet he still couldn't understand her. He sighs exasperated before laying her down on the couch that sat in the corner.


Ivan walked out of the house where all his pack stood in human form. They all kneel in respect howling. He glances upon them all with content. "My fellow wolves... today is the day history's grace kisses upon our cheeks." he says loudly immediatly quieting everyone. "What our ancestors bestowed onto us is in full affect." he smirked slightly the wolves hooting in response.

"Our greatest asset against all enemies has been restored to our pack." He announced his pack howled and cheered loudly. It was the beginning to a new age.


Her eyes fluttered open gently slowly glancing round the room. She was laying in a wide black bed in the middle of a barren black room. She quickly shot up her memories flooding back in quickly. She slowly scooched herself off the tall bed her feet flinching at the coldness of the grey tiled floor. She steadied herself holding onto the rails of the bed feeling weak as she stood. This was the perfect time to escape, she couldnt mess this up. She took a deep breath gathering her stregnth running for the door. she smiled in relief as the doors knob turned smoothly. it wasnt locked. She sprinted out of the room immediatly stopping. the hall was huge.

It had about 7 doors in that hall, all of them closed. At the end of the hall there seemed to be stairs. Just then she hears someone walking up the stairs, in a panic she rushes towards one of the doors opening it, closing the door behind herself. She let out a small breath of relief leaning against the door. "You're awake?" She jumped at the deep voice her eyes darting across the room.

There stood a half naked Ivan a white towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets sliding down his perfectly sculpted body. His wet hair slicked back. She glanced around realizing she was in a bathroom. She mentally cursed herself whining. "Trying to escape Echo?" His deep voice shook her as he stalked towards her. She leaned closer against the door as he approached closer.

He now only stood inches apart from her. "Whattt??? Me escape?? Pshhh as if, h-how stupid would I have to be to try that!" She laughed nervously. He rose a brow his expression hardening. She cleared her throat looking down catching a glimpse of his sharp carved v line. She quickly looked back up his face shifting to amusement. "So you just wanted to see me naked?" He asked placing an arm against the door next to her head.

"Hell no. I-I mean, nothing against you but I'm asexual. I-I just needed to pee. But I'll leave you to your showe." She turned to try and open the door. Ivan took her hands with his free hand pinning them above her head. "Why leave now? You've nearly seen everything." He smirked moving his face in closer.

"Oh my Jesus he's getting closer, what should I do, out of all the rooms! Shit!" She frantically thought nibbling her head. Instinctively she closed her eyes tightly throwing her head toward smacking her head on his lip. He let her go hissing in pain. "Ow.." she winced in pain grabbing her head. She glanced up at Ivan who held his chin. His lip bled gently. She had busted it.

"God, I'm so sorry , I sweat I didn't mean to do that. Y-you we're just so close-"

Ivan laughed leaning his head back. Echo furrowed her brows together in confusion watching him laugh. His smile was wide revealing his pearly whites. She blushed clearing her throat. His smile made him 10x more attractive.

"You can go now Echo. Breakfast is downstairs." He smiled turning around. "R-right." She strutted before quickly exiting the bathroom slamming the door behind her. "Dumbass.." she held her cheeks cursing herself.

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