When the clock strikes twelve

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Echo sighed as she took her coat from the rack of the small diner. "I'll see you tomorrow veto!" She waved a energetic goodbye to her fellow coworker who returned the gesture. She hummed gently as she walked out of the store through the sidewalk she usually took.

This night felt weirder then the others. Judging by when she left it had to be at least twelve o clock.Strangely today it was nearly empty. Only one car would pass by in a span of 10-20 minutes. Her house was about a thirty minute drive, but since her car was in the shop that made it a 55 minute walk. There wasn't a person in sight which made her uneasy. She looked down going through her purse to find her phone as she walked.

Just then she bumped into someone tall, sturdy, and firm. She stumbled back a bit managing to stay on her feet. She looked up just about to apologize when she scanned who was in front of her. Eyes cool grey, Had to be at least a fit taller than her, his skin pale scars visible on his face, a large muscular frame compared to her, his hair was silver tint that reminded her of the moon. He had to be the most handsome man she had ever bumped into. And she bumps into a lot of people.

She quickly scolds herself for staring. "I am so sorry, that was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She laughed nervously as she smoothened out her skirt. The man stayed silent gazing down at her petite frame.

She furrowed her brows confused as to why the tall man was staring at her, though she had done the same. Her green eyes full of curiosity. His grey eyes almost glowed in moonlight. "Umm, excuse me.." she shook herself out of the trance she was in attempting to walk past him. He gently but firmly grasped her arm pulling her onto him. She stood tense and full of fear as he bent himself down. And he.... sniffed her. "W-what are you doing?" She asked taking a large sharp breath as he sniffed her neck. "Relax.." his baritone voice commanded making her shiver. He then stood up straight with a small smirk. "Finally found you princess."

She furrowed her eyes confused. "I think you got the wrong girl." She attempted to pull away but his arms wrap around her waist. Without warning he tossed her over his broad shoulder. She squirmed trying to get down, but his grip was too firm. "I'll scream!" She yelled to threaten him. He chuckled amused. "You can, but it'll be a waste of your energy." He sighed as he made his way towards the woods.

Her heart pounded wildly thinking of the worst. "Your gonna kill me and toss my body under a tree aren't you?! You can't kill me! I won't let you! I have so much to do! I just got my masters for culinary arts! I was gonna start my own restaurant! I haven't even lost my virginity!" She went on tears blurring her vision.

He chuckled deeply she could feel the vibration of his laughter making her shiver once more. She frowned angrily as he laughed. "You think this is funny?! You'll never get away with this! My fathers a well known FBI agent! A-and my moms an ex-cop! I'm telling you let me go! I-if you let me go I swear on my restaurants success I won't tell! I'll just pretend like.. like uh.. like I went camping and lost my memories!!" She pleaded desperately. This one really seemed to get him, because this time he stopped to let out his deep laugh.

He gently put her down not letting go of her waist. "A-at least let me say a prayer!" She pouted wiping the tears that fell from her eyes. He stood there silent as she got on her knees to face the tree. She looked around to see where she could run. "Lord, I know I haven't been.. uh the best.. but I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for blaming that girl in 2nd grade for sleeping with Mr. bill when I clearly saw that other girl Jenny. It's just that I couldn't take anymore fat shaming. I'm sorry for spitting in that one racist pricks food, though he deserved it. I'm sorry for ghosting that one guy on Instagram, h-his uh.. his thing was too small! You know the rest God!" She said in all honesty. Of course he thought this was hilarious. She smirked as we was distracted laughing, she sprinted towards where she thought  she saw a cars headlights pass. She got closer and closer and closer..

Until she was yanked back by someone. Him. "H-how did you, b-but-" he sighed tossing her over his shoulder again. She was going to speak in protest but just then he took off sprinting. It felt like he was going as fast as a car, maybe faster.

He finally stopped placing her down. She clung onto a tree feeling a bit nauseous. "Why aren't you in the olympics Usain Bolt!" She groaned. He then began to approach her. She closed her eyes tightly as she get his cool breath fan her neck. Just then he yanked the shoulder of her coat and her top. She looked at him confused. Just as she was about to speak..

He bit her


Hope you all enjoyed!! Make sure to go check out my other books, feel free to donate coins, and vote!

Until next time!

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