Big Bad Wolf

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Echo's eyes fluttered open softly. She looked around examining her environment as she remembered everything that happened. She was in a field of dandelions. How did she get here. She sat up slowly looking down at her chest that was completely healed, as if nothing happened.

She furrowed her brows softly. "Your finally awake child." A woman's  booming voice spoke from behind her. She quickly turned around her eyes immediately widening at the sight. There above her stood a large wolf, "What the fuck?" She mumbled in awe it's black fur flowing as if they were underwater. "So am I dead? Are you god? I never depicted God as a furry- sorry I mean really big wolf. Wait my fight! I can't die yet! Ms God lady can you send me back? I should have paid more attention! I hope Ivan's okay-"

"Calm yourself." Her mouth shut as the wolfs voice echoed in the endless field she stood in. "Good. My name is Anardia, I'm not a god. I'm an ancient."

"An ancient?"

"Yes one of the few wolves blessed by the moon goddess with immortality and strength of the gods. There are only four of us, one of my kin is whithin Ivan."

Her ears perked at the mention on Ivan. "I still don't understand. Where am I? Who are you to me? Am I... dying??"

Anardia laid out on the ground. "Well.. yes your dying. This place is your mind space..and I to you.. it's complicated."

"Are you my wolf?"

"No you're not one of our kind."

Then what was she?? Was she even human?? Before she could open her mouth to ask her body throbbed as she hunched over in pain wincing. She looked down at her hands noticing them becoming more transparent.

She was fading away. "Please help me, Is there a way to save me?" She asked desperately.the wolf sighed as it rose to its feet. "There is one way.." it trailed off.

"Then do it! Why didn't you say that at the beginning of our conversation!"

"It's not that simple little Druid, if I save you we'll be bonded for life."

What the hell was a Druid? She glanced to see her fore arms to her shoulder fading. "And so?! I just want to live!"

"Your kind mixed with mine is impossible, you'll suffer." Anardia tried to explain. "look ancient wolf or whatever I'll be the one to decide on my future, and I choose the route that involves me living. With suffering or not. Ill worry about the suffering part when it comes, but as of now bring me back.."

The wolf side before nudging it's nose a yes. " fine. You were warned don't regret this," she began as she began to pace around Echo in a circle the ground trembling softly. " this Wolf you fight is extremely strong and since I am a part of you now it is my responsibility to protect you, i'll handle her but do you understand you agreed to this."

What was that supposed to mean? As questionable thoughts raced through her mind she began to wobble as the ground became unsteady and crumbled from under her. She screamed loudly as she fell through darkness.

"This Will feel strange and I'll be in control of your body until this wolf has been dealt with. You'll be able to watch the whole time. Since you're not one of our kind I won't be able to shift until my wolf one without putting you in danger-"

"stop worrying about all that! Focus on the task at hand! As of right now I'll never be safe until Una is defeated! Our number one priority is taking.her.down!" Anardia sighed softly before nodding. "Very well little Druid, please endure.."

In a snap she was back to the real world. She was laying on the cages bloody ground Una parading proudly around her body. Ivan was nowhere to be seen, where he stood a brown-ish grey coated wolf stood snarling and growling as its feet were planted deep into the ground. It seemed to want to go into the cage. Don and Daniel held the wolf back with steel chains that sizzled against his fur. It was Ivan wasn't it? "Hey.. wait.. I can see myself?? I'm not in my body!"

Had Anardia already taken control? Just then her body stood up ever so slowly everyone including the wolf going silent. Anardia dusted herself off before stretching. Una stared in shock and fury. "Come at me pup." Her body spoke sounding exactly like her. Una growled lowly before pouncing, but as she pounced her body began to shift into a large white wolf.

Everyone froze in shock staring it going completely silent. Una stopped her attack drawing back in shock. "I don't know what Anardia was talking about, I feel fine." Echo shrugged smiling. "Don't back off now dear, follow through." Anardia smiled growling before pouncing. The then clawed Una's stomach and tore off her arm with her teeth. Una laid unconscious as Anardia backed off.

It was really that easy?? If she had known sooner she'd had been called Anardia. She glanced down realizing she was bring pulled back into her body that shifted back into its normal, except now she was utterly naked. The crowd erupted in loud cheer. Echo spat out the arm that was in her mouth along with the blood before wiping the foul tasting blood from her mouths about to speak when she was knocked to feet in pain. She hunched over groaning as her bones aches to their core.

Ivan shifted back into a human immediately being covered by fera with two robes. He rushed into the cage over to Echo who cringed in pain. He wrapped her in one of the robed carrying her bridal style before walking out of the cage. Echo couldn't make out anything that was happening. Everything hurt so much. "We'll hold the hunt another time, get her to the infirmary." He placed her into dons arms. Don bowed before rushing of the rock.

Ivan had to deal with Una before she found an opportunity to escape. As he turned arose she was gone. She couldn't have moved herself, she definitely had help. It was already too late to catch her and he wanted to be there for Echo, so for now he'd let the big bad wolf go.

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