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He sighed walking into the infirmary where Echo laid unconscious. It had been three days already and she still hadn't woken up though she was completely healed. He sat by the side of her bed gently stroking her soft cheek. His mind wandering to the fight.

She had morphed into a wolf and her scent had changed completely. He was confused and worried. He knew she was a Druid, but he didn't know what she was capable and what her limits were. His wolf could easily tell that the wolf there wasn't normal. In fact he guessed it was like himself, an ancient. How did she manage to morph into one? What exactly was she? He had questions, and he knew exactly who to ask. He rose from the side if echo's bed kissing her cheek before walking out into the halls.

He then mind linked Don. "Call for her.."

"Yes Alpha." Don understood moving with no hesitation. Ivan sat back sighing softly. He looked down at Echo's peaceful sleeping face. She was truly beautiful. For the first time in a long time he was afraid. He wanted nothing more than to see her lovely smile and her small frame happily moving. Seeing her like this... it made him angry and sad. If not for Una escaping he would have slaughtered her and all she cared for as dear.. If not for her current state he wouldve already been on Una's trail  cutting the skin off her body.

No matter what, this time he'd find her.. and when he did?? He'd make her suffer. Ivan snapped from his thoughts a soft knock from the door. There she  stood. As always no scent followed. "It must be important if you're summoning me this early Wolf king." The young woman smiled. Her dark grey hair braided and tied up traditionally. Her blind eyes focused on nothing in particular. Her toned tan skin decorated with traditional tattoos carrying meanings he could never fully comprehend.

"Chenna, I know you've made it clear you wouldn't be assisting Echo till she is a fully realized Druid, but I.. I need your assistance.." Ivan looked over at Echo who's chest rose and fell softly. "I saw the fight.. An ancient wolf, there are only two ways to summon one." She said as she approached the bed Echo laid in. "You inherit the wolf, or you strike a deal if you're lineage has ties. Being she's a Druid she must have made a deal with it.. that's quite rare.. this must be a painful experience for her.." the woman sighed.

Ivan furrowed his brows in worry. She was in pain?? She had been like this for three days, day in day out. He thought at least she was peaceful. Now Chenna was basically telling him that these past days he's been watching her in pain? "Chenna, explain." He darkly glanced at her. She took a small breath before sitting on a free seat across from the bed.

She always made it hard to believe she was truly blind. "I don't know how these two connect, but somehow they do. Because of that connection Echo and the ancient were able to make a deal. But a deal with an ancient comes with a price if not inherited. And being that Echo is a Druid it's 10x worse. The ancient goes against every thing she is. Her natural state has been stirred assisting the change of her soul, which is quite painful being her powers rely on her soul.." she explained sitting back into the seat.

"What going to happen to her?" He asked softly reaching for her hand. "That all depends on the ancient and her soul. She could wake up, she could pass away, or she could stay asleep forever. It's uncertain."

"Is there nothing we can do to help??"

"I'm sorry wolf king. The only thing you can do is be there for her.."

Echo let out a soft breath wincing as her eyes cracked open. She looked around unsure of where she was. The blue night sky laid above her, and she seemed to be sprawled out in the grass. She sat up slowly her head pounding in pain. "Anna!" A voice called. She turned to see a tiny wooden house standing in the field lonesome. At the front of the house stood a pale woman with dark blue hair paired by light blue eyes.

"Coming mama!" A tiny voice called from behind her. There stood A small light skinned girl with the same pretty hair and eyes as the woman. The kid seemed so familiar. She reached out for the kid, her hand sliding through her like the wind. She couldn't be seen. Before she could react more she cringed in pain her head aching worse. She closed her eyes breathing hard as she took to her feet hoping the pain would fade.

And slowly it did. In relief she slightly peered open her eyes. Her mouth gaped open in awe. she was no longer near a mere house. She stood in a hall of somesort decorated in the prettiest velvet she had ever seen. Draped in fluttery silk. "What are you doing here." a voice asked. Echo whipped around to see the young girl from earlier but she was now older. she looked like she was somewhere in her teens. She was kneeling onto the ground wearing some really weird old looking clothes, similiar to the ones she saw her wearing with her mom. "Choose someone else.. Please. My mother needs me, she too sick to be alone.. Please return my life. let me live." The girl begged. The man sighed softly begging down to help her up. "I cannot save you little wolf.. There is no way.. Your mother.. Your mother has sacrificed her life for you.. she's no longer alive.." The man explained.

Echo frowned in sadness for the girl hearing the news, but before she could react more once agiain the pain returned causing her to fall to the ground clenching her eyes closed in pain. She heavily panted in pain praying it would go away as she whined, but it didn't instead it got worse..

"Abomination." A swirl of mixed voices called. "Abomination." They chanted together loudly. She managed to peel open her eyes and her mouth went dry. A tall dark haired woman with pretty hazel eyes stood glaring. "Abomination." The woman spat.

Echo could feel herself growing weak. Tears blurring her once clear vision. "Mama.."

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