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Ivan slowly flipped through paper work beside the bed Echo laid in. He hadn't left her side since three days ago unless it was utterly necessary. He did everything to stay with her. He had never felt a pain so vivid.. that pain simply missing her. And the idea that she may be hurting made things 10x worse. Don's scent slowly approached the room where he was. He had already forbidden anyone else coming here, so it had to be something important for him to disobey.

"Enter." He instructed Don sighing as he got close enough. Don immediately upon entering the room took a knee. "Forgive my disobedience Alpha, but there's an emergency in the pack housing. A rouge has managed to enter and he's causing some problems. I tried to fight him but he took a hostage and is demanding to speak to you." Don heaved out breathing heavily. Ivan breathed heavily. He glanced over at Echo before rising.

"I'll rip his throat out.." Ivan growled before leaning over kissing Echo's forehead. He then stormed out of the room. "This rouge better pray I just leave it at killing him." He thought as he walked out of his home Don following behind. Ivan walked down the street to the pack house which were three mansions located right next to one another.

He took a deep breath analyzing tge scents in the air. He froze, there was the scent of a rouge one of the pack members and a vampire. His wolf growled in disgust and anger. "You didn't smell that putrid thing?!" His voice bellowed , Don immediately took a new exposing the nape of his neck. "Forgive me Alpha, he wasn't here before." He growled huffing a breath. A rouge and a vampire.. this was far from coincidental. "The rest of the pack members?" He asked.

"Evacuated to the spare housing. Fera and the rest are keeping watch." Ivan ran a hand through his hair before walking towards the house. "Go back to my room and keep watch on Echo." He mind linked Don, Don bowed before transforming and sprinting back to his house. Ivan walked into the pack house heading upstairs where their scents grew stronger. He then entered a large bedroom there stood his pack member on his knees the rouges partially morphed hand now claws resting on their neck. In the corner of the room a vampire leaning against the wall. The vampire smiled as he noticed Ivan.

"Finally, I was beginning to wonder what type of pack leader wouldn't show up for a member of his pack" the vamp smirked standing up straight. "The 'great' Ivan, it really is a pleasure." He smirked walking towards the rouge and his pack member. "And you are?" Ivan asked coldly trying to hold back his anger.

The vampire pouted pretending to cry in hurt. "Ouch, it hurts you wouldn't remember me! I thought Una meant a little more to you than that." The vampire smirked before sitting down next to the pack member. "Una.. she's behind this. Tell her face me herself." Ivan growled. "Now you and I both know she's not that stupid. She's calculating and smart. So let's stop with the stupid suggestions." The vampire yawned as he leaned onto the pack member. The woman flinched quietly sobbing.

"What do you want?" Ivan asked knowing he couldn't just lash out with the life of his pack member on the line. He could easily kill the rouge and get her out but he had no clue of how strong the vamp was, he also had to find out why they were here in the first place.

"I was hoping you and I could play a little bit before I got to that." The vampire smirked. "I don't time for your shit. Get to the point." Ivan contained his urge to tear both of their heads off, only because the risk of the pack members life. "Lance, step out for me." The vampire ordered the rouge. Ivan scoffed humored as the rouge obeyed walking out leaving the pack member on their knees to afraid to retaliate.

"I've been hearing a few things Ivan. Whispers of another ancient and healing, really it's quite unbelievable actually." The vampire chuckled. Jasper growled in fury at the mention of his mates abilities. Ivan glared at him harshly fighting to restrain his wolves anger. "Your point?" He gritted out. "I want it." The vampire smirked leaning on the crying pack member. "What?"

"Give me the thing responsible for the recent events." He said as he played with the hair of the pack member. "Why? What good would those powers serve your kind." He asked trying his hardest not to senselessly murder the vampire . Killing him could start an unwanted war with the blood suckers, he couldn't risk his pack for that.. he couldn't risk her for that.

"That's for me to know, and for the world to find out. It wouldn't be fun if I just up and told you my whole evil plan now would it." He yawned standing up straight.

"What makes you think I would hand you that kind of power so easily." Ivan crossed his hand across his chest. "I never expected you too! You'd have to be a new level of stupid to actually willingly let such a power go.." he simply waved his hand. "That's why I'm taking it by force." Ivan's eyes squinted in anger a low growl escaping from his lips. Just then he snapped the neck of the pack member their dead body dropping limp."I'm gonna pry that power from the bones of your pack, and with all disrespect your cold dead paws." The vamp smirked wickedly.

"Enough talk." Jasper growled out. Just then Ivan shifted into his large wolf. "That one got you, I guess I've outstayed my welcome." Without warning Ivan pounced towards him his large claw swinging in a trap to slice the arrogant blood sucker. He'd pay for his killing his pack member, he'd tear him to shreds before he got the chance to lay his eyes on Echo.

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