Kapitulo XIII: Meeting The Father

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A/N: In the year 1484, the Pope issued a decree in which those who turn against the church and studied crafts shall be hunted, tortured and killed for those who accused of being a witch and Satan's follower. The dark era of history. —Adapted from M.R. Sellars (Never Burn a Witch)


"We are going to play detective." The man in black suit and a hat said to the little girl.

"How?" Asked the girl holding the hand of the man. But he only respond with a sour demonic laugh.

"We are going to figure out who's going to be a prey of death tonight."

The little girl doesn't know how to react instead nodded lightly to the man.

The man has a dark eyes which can be compared likely to the void.

-after few hours-

"I can't believe that... w-what you did back there. Hey, lil girl is it really you?"

The girl doesn't nor did make a move, she's shock what happened back there.

"What did I just do?" The girl asked

"You my girl just tied and burned a 28 year old woman in the tree and torched it." The man explained to the girl holding her on both shoulder so he could balance well.

"Your only 6 years old but you can... you can." Excitement in his voice doesn't seem to control his emotions.

"Is it bad?" The girl just keep asking questions which she doesn't know wether it is worst or good.

"It's better." The only explanation of the man to the kid.

Flashback ends


Someone's POV

The feeling in which your whole body respond in your demand. The itching sensation, the kind of piercing and slashing someone's throat

I'm 152 years old now. I started killing when I met a man with a masculine figure and covered in black attire way back when I was 6. He taught me how to survive and stay alive.

Since then violence and crime was my part of a job.

"I'm Leila Morgan, reporting live in Meedov Browke. A woman named Debbie Coroner just passed away, she was secured wiyh chains and a padlock in her wrist and legs. A duck tape in her mouth, she was completely naked and her whole body was filled with marks from cigarette..."

She screamed heavenly. She'd cry out for hours that's why I took her life out. She's to weak.

Flashback ends

Lewis's POV

His a sybarite, he seeks only eldorado not only that he balkanised the whole souls in this Realm and divide them from their level. This place is where all money, riches, fame go when they are used. It's their landing site.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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