The Returning Star (Russia POV)

Start from the beginning

I did not push the topic any further and we walked on in silence again until the bear suddenly stopped.

"This is where I must leave you," he explained, "Russia, my child, please."

A blinding ray of light shattered through the dull and dusty sky, engulfing me as it began to burn. The bear stood there and stared at me with eyes etched with deep sorrow and pain. I tried to scream, but I couldn't make a sound, as I clawed at my searing flesh. Then everything was gone. Everything except the words...

"It's time to wake up."


(Nobody POV)

Another bright, sun filled day greeted the sleepy Russian as the light tried to fry his eyes open. He swore at the curtains for doing such a poor job of keeping the day out of his room.

Eventually, he hoisted himself off the bed, only to immediately fall over from a killer headache.

"Fuck," he complained as he held his head steady to help the dizziness go away. When it finally subsided, he tried again, slowly this time, and made his way to the bathroom. There he changed the bandages that covered all the bruises and cuts from the fight he had the day before. He stood before the mirror, and began to relive the battle.

"I'm really not in the mood for this shit again," he groaned.

But the crowd had made up their minds. They were going to put Russia in his place, whether he liked it or not.

"Well we don't care," someone exclaimed, "We are sick and tired of you and now, we are going to show you who is really the boss!"

The students all cheered in agreement, "Yeah! You should know that you can't bully us anymore! We have Germany on our side!" another shouted, "He'll kick your butt!"

The Russian stood alone under the giant oak tree, gazing out into the sea of enemy faces. He was no stranger to being outnumbered, but he had never seen so many screwed up lunatics before.

"Let me get this straight, you spineless pieces of trash believe you can trample all over me just because Goggles over here developed an Awakening?"

Germany flinched at the mention of his nickname and everyone else took an involuntary step back.

Russia laughed a sad laugh and said,

"I pity you. All of you are truly the lowest scum of the earth."

In the end, Russia still stood alone, still under the giant oak tree, staring over the field of unconscious bodies and at the last one standing. Germany had not moved a muscle since the fight began. Instead, he had been staring at the Russian with a million thoughts running through his head.

The two were locked in a staring contest until a high-pitched scream shattered their concentration. Belarus had just finished an assignment for a teacher and was about to return to her dorm when a massive bloody landscape caught her eye. Then she saw her brother, standing in the middle of it all.

The fight was finished. Nothing had happened but deep down, Russia knew this was the beginning of a hell he could not escape. More and more people would awaken and they would grow bolder and bolder.

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