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A couple of days after Christmas and after the confession, Yeosang and Seonghwa went on a date. It was the first time either of them was going on a proper date, so anxiety was surrounding them both. Seonghwa had many past partners, but they were just monthly hook-ups; therefore, he never took them out.

"Mum, help me," Seonghwa whined whilst standing in the mirror, trying and failing to flatten his hair. On the sofa, both Hyun-ah and Hongjoong giggled whilst they watched.

The two had become pretty inseparable, and Yeosang was now able to become a person for himself without the constant fear for Hongjoong on his shoulders.

"Darling, it looks fine," She said back, really wanting to film this to send to her husband, and even Yeosang later. But her arms were a little occupied, curling around the giggling boy that was cuddled into her side.

"Are you sure?" He asked, turning around, "Oh shush it you," There was no heat behind the words. Instead, he spoke more like how an older sibling would tease a younger one.

Hongjoong just giggled more, wiggling out to try to get out of the hold. Once he successfully did, he ran up to the older and wrapped his arms around his middle. "Hwa pretty!" He said, big eyes shining up at the other male.

Seonghwa smiled, bringing up a hand to ruffle the other's hair, "Thanks, kid," He said, quickly turning back to the mirror to check out his piercings and tattoos, making sure they were on display for everyone to see. Once he was satisfied, he sat down, nervously waiting for Yeosang to come down.

Even though the two see each other every day, and it was their first date, they still wanted to dress up nicely. As a result of this, Yong-Hwan was upstairs, helping Yeosang get all dolled up and ready for a date. The older of the Park brothers was straight, but could quite easily be mistaken for being otherwise, with his stylish fashion sense and his flamboyant personality.

After 5 extra minutes of waiting, Yeosang turned the corner. Everyone paused as he shyly stepped through. Seonghwa was left with his mouth gaping as his eyes raked over the outfit he was wearing. It was a soft boy look, a nice beige jumper with skinny, ripped jeans. Then a pair of white vans on his feet. Yong-Hwan must have gone out shopping because he was one hundred per cent sure that Yeosang didn't own anything like this.

Also, there was a sprinkle of make-up donning his face, simple eyeshadow, his eyebrows were made darker, and he had a slight tint to his lips.

"Aww, you guys are all grown up now," Hyun-ah complained, wiping a stray tear from her face as if she had watched them all grow up to the people they are today.

"Mum, stop with the dramatics, please," Seonghwa begged, face-palming but never once taking his eyes off of Yeosang.

"Seonghwa, let mum be dramatic. I mean, look at Yeosang, she must be really feeling it," Yong-Hwan piped up from behind Yeosang, looking like he wanted to cry as well.

"Oh, Lord give me strength," Seonghwa sighed out, standing up and effectively dragging Yeosang out of the room.

"You look, wow," He said, stumbling over his words as he looked Yeosang in the eye.

The younger blushed, looking away. "You look, well, you look hot," He said in reply to the compliment, blushing deeper as he braced himself before looking back up into the other's eyes, feeling happy seeing as he made the older flustered.

"T-thank you. Should we get going now?" He asked, wanting to get out of the way of the prying eyes that were watching them from the door frame. He narrowed his eyes at them, wanting them to go away. They didn't, so the two boys did instead. They got into the taxi and set off for their first date.

The two went to the arcade, where Seonghwa won Yeosang a teddy. To which he won Seonghwa a matching one. Then they went for hot chocolate to counteract the cold weather after Yeosang complained about it. Seonghwa would give him his own jacket, but it was a leather one, and that over or under the trench coat Yeosang was wearing would look rather odd. Not to mention that he was so cold that even his balls were shivering. But once they sat down to eat at a burger place, the two started talking seriously.

"Yeosang, I know this is our first date and all, but would you consider being my boyfriend?" Seonghwa asked with hope in his eyes.

Yeosang paused as he bit into a chip. "Urm, I don't-look. Seonghwa. I've never done this before. The whole dating thing, so I don't really know what to do," He took a deep breath, "With everything that's going on with my dad and the uncertainty of waking up every day not knowing whether he's looking for us is a lot,"

Seonghwa looked down, not really knowing how to respond. He knew Yeosang was worried about everything, but he really had hoped for a different answer. Once Yeosang saw the way Seonghwa went in on himself, he immediately re-iterated what he said.

"No, no, don't get the wrong idea, of course, I want to be your boyfriend. It's just that...the trust element of a relationship. You were an arse before, I haven't forgotten that. But also, I may be a lot to handle. I'm constantly scared that he will come around any corner at any given time. I'm sorry. I really like you and have done for a while, It's just that, I'm scared that you'll leave me when I need you the most," He admitted, looking up at Seonghwa who had tears dancing down his face. "Oh my, are you okay?" He quickly asked, offering the napkin to the other.

"You really feel that way?" Seonghwa questioned, taking the napkin and drying his face, sighing when Yeosang offered a hesitant nod to his question. "Yeosang, I'll never leave you. Neither will my family, we'll be there whenever you need us, even if you decide to leave and make a life for yourself away from us, we'll always be one call away," He promised.

"I like you Yeosang, as I've never liked anyone before. It wasn't all fun and games when I realised I was gay. You were actually the one that made me realise. And I know I was an arse, but please, please can you forgive me? I permit you to slap me if I ever act that way again, I will never leave you. Not even think of leaving you," He promised, now wiping Yeosang's tears. They were a couple of emotional boys, but they didn't care.

"Okay...boyfriend," Yeosang said, a wide smile on his face as he continued eating. Seonghwa blushed, now realising that he had a boyfriend.


Once they got home, they were all giddy and heart-eyed, munching on the cookies that Hongjoong and Hyun-ah had made whilst they were out. They were going to be fine. Them being together also meant that both shared a tender kiss as the clock struck 12 on new years day, signifying a new year.

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